Love comes in many different shapes and forms, and for Meirivone Rocha Moraes from Brazil, it definitely took an unconventional turn. She made headlines around the world for marrying Marcelo, a life-sized rag doll. Today, they are proud parents of three beautiful children – a 1-year-old son named Marcelinho and twin girls, Marcela and Emilia, who are just 1 month old.

On TikTok, Meirivone shares glimpses of their family life, emphasizing that their daily routine is just like any other mother and wife. They divide parenting tasks equally, with Marcelo contributing by taking on the role of managing the family’s finances. Meirivone highlights the emotional moments and the support she receives from Marcelo, showcasing the bond they share.

It’s no secret that raising children brings its share of challenges, but Meirivone always finds solace in the love and dedication of Marcelo. He has always dreamt of having a family, and his commitment to various responsibilities is evident. Despite the ups and downs of life, Meirivone firmly believes that everything they have built together is worth it.

Their dreams don’t stop with their beautiful family. Meirivone and Marcelo have a shared goal of owning their own house, and they are determined to make it happen. Ever since their wedding in 2018, they have been working tirelessly towards achieving this dream.

Of course, their journey has not been without its fair share of difficulties. Meirivone candidly shares a challenging incident in June 2023, when she accused Marcelo of cheating. This caused a rift in their relationship, but they found a way to heal and move forward. Their story is a testament to their resilience and love for each other.

In another difficult moment, their young son Marcelinho was taken from them in February 2023, and a ransom of $200 was demanded. Thankfully, their nightmare came to an end, and Marcelinho was reunited with his loving family. This harrowing experience only strengthened their bond and reminds them of the importance of cherishing precious moments together.

Meirivone and Marcelo’s story is a unique one that clearly demonstrates the unconventional path they have chosen. They face challenges head-on, never losing sight of their pursuit of a fulfilling family life. Despite the skepticism and judgment they may encounter, they are determined to create a happy and loving home for their children.

Their love and resilience inspire us to embrace different forms of love and to create our own paths in life, no matter how unconventional they may seem. Because in the end, what truly matters is the love and happiness that we find with those who truly see us for who we are.