Liam Griffiths, a 31-year-old man, has a message for everyone: prioritize your health. After being diagnosed with terminal cancer, Liam regrets not taking his own health more seriously. Despite being a dedicated gym goer and considering himself “the healthiest man in the world,” he now finds himself as a mere shadow of his former self. Liam shares, “Physically, I’m a fragile man, a shadow of who I was. I was the healthiest man in the world. I trained every single day, but now I can’t even walk up the stairs without breaking a sweat.”

Despite his declining health, Liam didn’t want to make a fuss. Being self-employed, he was worried about losing out on wages and continued to ignore his symptoms. However, as time passed, his symptoms worsened, becoming unmanageable. Eventually, he had no choice but to go to the hospital. Initially diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, Liam got a call from his doctors asking him to return to the hospital a month later. The call left him fearful, and he knew something was seriously wrong.

Upon his return, Liam received the devastating news that he had peritoneal cancer and would require grueling chemotherapy treatment. Surgery was also attempted, but unfortunately, it didn’t eradicate the disease, leaving his condition terminal. When Liam asked for a prognosis, his doctor refused to give a specific timeframe, urging him not to live his life entirely focused on his impending mortality.

Determined to make the most of the time he has left, Liam has had to give up on challenging activities such as Tough Mudder, swimming with sharks, and skiing because his deteriorating health no longer allows for such ventures. Instead, Liam is focused on creating lasting memories with his loved ones. He wants to remind everyone to prioritize their health, believing that ignoring symptoms and not seeking medical help sooner was his biggest mistake.

Liam feels compelled to share his story in the hope that it will encourage others to seek medical attention when needed. Reflecting on his own journey, he acknowledges that his cancer was already at an advanced stage when it was discovered. Liam wishes he had sought help earlier but, being self-employed and needing to earn money, he powered through, believing that’s what a man should do. He challenges this perception, emphasizing the importance of seeking medical advice and not neglecting one’s health.

Liam adds, “I want to push this message because if just one or two people go to the hospital and get checked because of my mistake and my story, that would be amazing.” He hopes that his experience will serve as a wake-up call for others to prioritize their health and not take it for granted.

As Liam’s chemotherapy treatment on the NHS is no longer effective, he is now paying for private treatment, scans, and medication in a bid to prolong his life. To support his cause, his close friend, Eve Bannatyne, daughter of Dragon’s Den star Duncan Bannatyne, has launched a JustGiving fundraiser, which has already exceeded an impressive £18,000.

Pascale Harvie, president and general manager of JustGiving, commends Liam’s bravery, stating, “Liam is an incredible young man, and we at JustGiving are in awe of his bravery. Not only has he found the strength to battle this horrible disease, but he is also raising much-needed awareness to encourage other men to get themselves checked, by sharing his own story.”