Everyone loves a good photograph. Whether it’s capturing a memorable event or a simple everyday moment, photos have the power to immortalize our memories. Even photographers themselves often strive to capture that one special shot that will have people talking for days on end.

And that’s exactly what happened with this little girl and her equine companion. On what seemed like an ordinary day with family, a magical moment was captured that turned this little girl into a celebrity.

According to Time Magazine, the photograph was initially shared on Reddit, and it quickly became a sensation. The scene depicted a beautiful day, with the girl surrounded by Clydesdale horses galloping like they were ready for a parade.

Perhaps the girl had spent some time admiring these majestic creatures from a distance, a bit hesitant to get too close. But on this day, she mustered up the courage to stand in front of one of these impressive stallions, waiting for the camera flash.

“Smile,” her father said from behind the camera. And at that exact moment, the camera shutter clicked, capturing a truly remarkable scene.

When the family reviewed the photo, they couldn’t believe what they saw. The Clydesdale stallion was grinning! It was a moment of pure magic caught on camera.

This photograph went viral after being shared online, even being recognized as one of the best photos of 2016 by BuzzFeed. And we can only imagine how much the girl’s family cherishes this image, just like we do.