A mother’s amazing response to a text message about her daughter dating a black boy is touching hearts all over the internet. Heather Boyer, the proud mother, decided to address the nosy message on her Facebook page, not just for the person who sent it, but for anyone who might have an issue with her daughter being romantically involved with someone from a different race.

It all started when Heather’s daughter changed her Facebook profile picture to a photo of her and her boyfriend. Just five minutes later, someone asked the question:

“I didn’t know she was dating a black boy, did you?”

Heather was at a loss for words at first and spent the whole day thinking of how to respond. Instead of sending a private message, she uploaded the photo of her daughter and her boyfriend and wrote a powerful caption that beautifully summed up her feelings:

“Yes, in fact, I did know. But the color of his skin doesn’t define who he is. What defines him is how he treats my daughter.”

Heather goes on to describe the qualities she admires in her daughter’s boyfriend. He shows her nothing but respect, always using “Yes Ma’am” and “No Ma’am.” He talks about sports with Heather, says goodbye when he leaves, and most importantly, he treats her daughter well. He takes her on dates, to ballgames, and out to eat. They go to church together every Sunday, and he is actively involved in his church community. He never mistreats her, lies to her, or makes her cry.

Heather is proud to say that her daughter is dating someone who treats her like a queen. This is something she herself has never experienced, and she is happy that her daughter has found such a loving partner.

The Facebook post quickly went viral, receiving over 180,000 comments and being shared more than a quarter of a million times. People from all walks of life praised Heather for her powerful words and her commitment to promoting love and acceptance. Many agreed that love knows no color, and it’s essential to focus on how we treat one another rather than the color of our skin.

One Facebook user, Christopher Johnson, shared his own experience, stating, “It’s sad that people today are so hung up on the color of a person’s skin. I’ve got four daughters – one white, one half black, and two that are half Native American. Love knows no color.”

Another person commented, “What a great answer. I hope it hits home with everyone. They make a beautiful couple.”

We can all learn a lesson from Mama Boyer’s powerful response – love truly knows no boundaries.