Choosing whether to remove a loved one from life support is an unimaginably difficult decision. Ryan Finley faced this heart-wrenching choice when his wife, Jill, slipped into a coma. Little did he know that their lives were about to take an incredible turn.

After discovering Jill unresponsive and not breathing, Ryan immediately sprang into action. He performed CPR and prayed for a positive outcome, despite knowing the odds were against them. Thanks to the efforts of paramedics, Jill was revived, but her heart and breathing remained weak. She was rushed to the Oklahoma Heart Hospital where she was placed in a specialized suit to minimize brain damage caused by lack of oxygen. Unfortunately, Jill fell into a coma.

Days turned into weeks, and Ryan never lost hope. However, the doctors informed him that Jill’s chances of recovery were slim to none. It was then that he had to make the agonizing decision to switch off life support. He poured out his heart in his diary, reflecting on the weight of the momentous choice before him.

But just as the machine was turned off and the family said their goodbyes, Jill’s story took an unexpected twist. Doctors explained that she was going through a “last rally” and would not pass away immediately. To everyone’s astonishment, Jill started to mumble. Through tears and disbelief, she pleaded with Ryan to take her to her favorite Mexican restaurants, Melting Pot or Ted’s.

Ryan knew in his heart that Jill would make it. Believing in her strength, they went through the final rally together. Jill not only started breathing on her own but also underwent a successful heart surgery and rehabilitation.

Reflecting on her time in a coma, Jill shared that she doesn’t remember anything. However, she did experience short-term memory issues and difficulties pronouncing certain words. Despite these challenges, she feels fine and is incredibly grateful for the second chance at life that God has given her.

Ryan and Jill now cherish every moment they have together. They are thankful for each day, each minute, and each hour. Their bond is stronger than ever before. As Jill aptly puts it, this miraculous journey has put everything into perspective.

To witness the full story of this extraordinary turn of events, watch the video below. Don’t forget to share this inspiring story with your loved ones on Facebook!