Imagine being stranded on a deserted island with six women. Sounds like the beginning of a wild story, right? Well, that’s exactly what happened to Phillip. After his cruise ship sank in a storm, he found himself in a rather unusual situation. But little did he know, this mishap would turn out to be the best thing that had ever happened to him.

With six women on the island, Phillip, who considered himself quite the ladies’ man, saw this as an opportunity rather than a disaster. They came up with an arrangement: each woman would spend one night a week with him, leaving him one night to rest and recover his strength.

At first, Phillip embraced this arrangement with open arms. He even worked on his days off to make the most of his time with the ladies. But as the weeks turned into months, Phillip started longing for a day of solitude.

One sunny afternoon, while sitting on the beach, Phillip couldn’t help but wish for some male company to share his duties. Suddenly, his wish came true. He spotted a man waving from a life raft a short distance from the beach.

Without hesitation, Phillip swam out to the raft, pulled it to shore, and celebrated. The sight of another person filled him with joy. “You can’t imagine how happy I am to see you,” Phillip exclaimed to the man.

The man on the raft gave Phillip a wink and replied, “Oh, you are a sight for sore eyes too, you gorgeous thing!”

Realizing the implications, Phillip sighed, “Oh well, there go my Sundays.”

So, not only did Phillip manage to survive on a deserted island surrounded by six women, but he also found himself unexpectedly joined by another man. Although the original appeal of being the only man diminished, Phillip’s sense of humor prevailed.

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Bored Daddy