As parents, we go above and beyond to raise our children and help them grow into respected individuals. And when we see them thrive, it feels like a dream come true.

But let’s be honest, raising children, especially when they’re young, can be quite a challenge. They throw tantrums, do whatever they please, and rarely agree with their parents. It’s not easy.

Yet, we try our best to form strong bonds and get along with our children. Unfortunately, no matter what we do, there are times when we’re judged for our parenting style.

That’s why the McNees family is truly inspiring. They have an 8-year-old daughter who absolutely loves reading. And not just any reading – she loves to read past her bedtime like a little rebel.

Imagine this scene: the girl hides under her covers, with a flashlight in hand, engrossed in the magical world of Harry Potter. It’s her little secret act of rebellion, and her parents fully support it. In fact, they always make sure her flashlights have fresh batteries.

Some people may suggest buying her a headlamp, but the McNees have already tried that. Their daughter simply prefers the old-fashioned flashlights. And who can blame her? Reading under the covers with a flashlight brings back nostalgic memories for all of us.

So, let’s celebrate this little rebel reader and her supportive parents. It’s heartwarming to see a family encourage their child’s passion, even if it means bending the rules a little.

Remember those childhood moments of reading under the covers? Share this heartwarming story with your family and friends on Facebook, and let’s spread the love for reading!