Once upon a time, there was a captain who found himself in a rather peculiar situation while sailing the vast ocean. As he steered the ship, he noticed a light in the distance, steadily approaching his vessel. Concerned about a possible collision, the captain quickly took action.

With his signal lamp in hand, the captain sent a message to the mysterious light, politely requesting a change of course. He signaled, “Change your course, 10 degrees west.”

To his surprise, the light signaled back, “Change yours, 10 degrees east.” This unexpected response puzzled the captain, causing him to feel a slight irritation.

Attempting to assert his authority, the captain signaled once again, this time emphasizing his prestigious rank as a US Navy captain. He declared, “I’m a US Navy captain. You must change your course, sir!”

However, the light responded in defiance, revealing its true identity as a Seaman First Class. With a touch of humor, it signaled back, “I’m a Seaman First Class. You must change your course, sir.”

This exchange of messages did not sit well with the captain. Growing angrier by the second, he refused to back down. He sent another assertive signal, declaring, “I’m an aircraft carrier. I’m not changing my course!”

The light continued to shine steadfastly, sending its final message with a hint of irony, “I’m a lighthouse. Your call.”

In this hilarious encounter at sea, the captain learned a valuable lesson about the importance of being humble and having a sense of humor. Sometimes, it’s best to assess the situation before assuming control. After all, even a seasoned US Navy captain can be outsmarted by a humble lighthouse.