Honest homeless man who returned $10k check to owner is repaid with a house and training

We all like to believe that when presented with a moral choice, we would make the right decision. And Elmer Alvarez, a man who had nothing, proved that even in the face of adversity, and the temptation of a life-changing sum of money, he chose honesty.

Elmer was homeless when he stumbled upon a $10,000 check in New Haven, Connecticut. Instead of keeping it for himself, he immediately set out to find the rightful owner. This selfless act would set in motion a remarkable journey that would forever change Elmer’s life.

The check belonged to real estate agent Roberta Hoskie, who had lost it on a busy intersection without realizing it. Elmer’s only thought was to return the check to its rightful owner. He never entertained the idea of cashing it for himself. “It never crossed my mind because I made a decision to turn my life around. I’ve been clean for three years,” Elmer shared with CBS News.

When Roberta discovered that the check had been returned, she was determined to find Elmer and personally thank him. However, the image she had in mind of a clean-shaven man in a suit was shattered when she met Elmer, accompanied by a friend due to his limited English skills. She learned that he was homeless. This encounter challenged and shattered the stereotypes she had carried.

As a gesture of gratitude, Roberta handed Elmer a check, which moved him to tears. In an effort to dispel the misconceptions surrounding homelessness, Roberta live-streamed her heartfelt meeting with Elmer on Facebook.

Roberta herself understood the struggles of homelessness, having once found herself living in a shelter as a teenage mother with a mere $400 monthly income. Through hard work and determination, she managed to overcome poverty and establish her own multi-million dollar real estate company.

In the year following their meeting, Roberta continued to support Elmer. She not only secured an apartment for him and covered his rent for seven months, but also enrolled him in real estate school so that he could become an employee of her company.

Now, Elmer and Roberta have a grand vision: to build a transitional house aimed at homeless teenagers and young adults, providing them with essential services and support. Elmer understands firsthand the struggles of homelessness and believes that no one deserves to live in such circumstances. Together, they are on a mission to make a difference and offer a helping hand to those in need.

Elmer’s act of returning the check without expecting any reward reminds us of the compassion and kindness that exists in the world. It is heartwarming to see people recognize the humanity in those forced to live on the streets. Elmer now has the life he truly deserves, thanks to the kindness and generosity shown by Roberta. Such acts of goodness have a ripple effect, as both Roberta and Elmer are paying it forward and inspiring others to do the same.

Watch the heartwarming meeting between Elmer and Roberta on .