9-year-old boy gives police officer a secret note. Reads the note and jumps out of his chair.

Noah, a 9-year-old boy, was enjoying breakfast at Denny’s with his mom when he spotted a police officer sitting alone at a nearby table. Instantly, Noah felt a surge of nerves and a desire to do something special.

He confided in his mom, sharing his excitement and contemplation about approaching the officer, Eddie Benitez. Noah dreamt of becoming a police officer when he grew up, and this encounter was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up.

With his mom’s encouragement, Noah mustered the courage to approach Officer Eddie. However, once face-to-face, he became too timid to say anything. Instead, Noah devised a new plan that would surprise the officer a few minutes later.

Noah had saved some of his birthday money and wanted to pay for Officer Eddie’s breakfast. His mom, Amanda, got the attention of the waitress and explained their heartwarming idea. Together, they paid for Officer Eddie’s bill and gave Noah a receipt.

Noah bravely approached Officer Eddie, holding the special note.

Officer Eddie was puzzled at first as to why Noah had his receipt, but his confusion soon turned to surprise and joy. As he read the message Noah had written, Officer Eddie couldn’t help but jump out of his seat to take a photo with his young admirer.


Noah’s note on the receipt touched Officer Eddie’s heart. It simply said, “I want to be you when I grow up. Thank you for your service, Noah.” It meant so much to Officer Eddie that he carries the note with him every day as a reminder of the impact of his job.

When sharing his experience with 10 News, Officer Eddie expressed, “It meant everything. It meant that I’m supposed to wake up every morning and put on his uniform and go out there and do what I do. You know? It means that I need to keep trying to be a good example to all these young guys.”

The Lakeland Police Department, where Officer Eddie works, found the story incredibly heartwarming. They were moved by Noah’s gesture and decided to share the photo of Noah and Officer Eddie on their Facebook page.

Noah was overwhelmed with pride upon witnessing the positive reaction his act of kindness received. The experience only deepened his desire to become a police officer in the future.

Eddie Benitez