Would you invite your neighbor into your home? What about inviting them to live with you? Well, that’s exactly what Chris Salvatore, a 31-year-old actor, did for his 89-year-old neighbor, Norma Cook. Let’s dive into this heartwarming story of friendship and compassion.

It all started when Chris moved in across the hall from Norma, an 85-year-old woman with her beloved cat, Hermes. They would exchange greetings every now and then, but it wasn’t until Chris introduced himself that their friendship truly blossomed. The two became fast friends, spending time together and creating a bond that would soon be put to the ultimate test.

As time went on, Norma’s health began to decline rapidly. After a hospital stay, Chris received the news that Norma wouldn’t be able to return home unless she had constant care. With no immediate family nearby, Norma was faced with a difficult situation. Determined to support his dear friend, Chris set up a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for Norma’s care.

But despite the financial support, Chris realized that something more needed to be done. The only other option was for Norma to go into a facility, which Chris couldn’t bear to see happen to someone he considered family. So, he made a heartfelt decision – he invited Norma to move into his own apartment.

“I’m so happy I was able to give her this gift of living her last days at home,” Chris shared. “I can’t imagine what it’s like to go through the end of your life at a hospital without your friends or pets.” And so, Norma moved in, becoming Chris’s roommate and bringing comfort and companionship into both of their lives.

Despite the challenges Norma faced with her declining health, the two embraced every moment together. They would watch the news, engage in conversation, and indulge in simple pleasures, like sipping champagne and enjoying peanuts.

Sadly, on February 15, 2017, Norma passed away. Chris shared the heartbreaking news on Instagram, where he had often documented their adventures together. “She called me the grandson she never had,” Chris tearfully expressed.

Chris Salvatore didn’t have to go to such lengths to care for Norma, but his compassionate heart led him to make a difference in her life. He couldn’t bear to see her spend her final days in a hospital without the love and support she deserved.

This heartwarming story reminds us of the importance of kindness and going above and beyond for others. It serves as a powerful reminder that we should all strive to be a little more like Chris Salvatore.

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