After dog is hit and killed by car, family’s sign has the whole neighborhood talking

We all love our dogs and consider them part of the family. So, it’s devastating when tragedy strikes, like when a beloved dog is hit by a car. It’s a pain that the author of this article knows all too well.

Let’s take a moment to imagine a little pup, full of energy and joy, exploring the world with bright eyes and a wagging tail. Sadly, so many families have experienced the heartbreak of losing their furry friends due to reckless drivers.

But one family decided to take a stand and send a powerful message to the speeding drivers in their neighborhood. They put up a sign on their own lawn that left everyone stunned.

The sign read, “We buried our dog last week because you won’t slow down. If you hit 1 of my kids, your family may be burying you.” While some may view it as a threat, many neighbors and social media users wholeheartedly supported the family’s message.

One Facebook user commented, “Love the sign. People drive way too fast in neighborhoods. Kids on bikes. Kids playing in their own yard and a ball goes into the street, it happens. So why is there this problem? Well, it’s because people are idiots. Plain and simple.” Another person shared, “Damn straight! One of my dogs got away from me and the woman who ran over him didn’t even slow down. Same could happen to a child.”

Of course, not everyone agreed with the dog owner’s approach. Some felt that the dog should have been kept on a leash and blame the owner for allowing it to roam freely.

While opinions may differ, it is clear that the sign served as a powerful reminder for drivers to slow down and put safety first.

Inspired by a social media statement, Kevin Jackman created this provocative sign as a way to draw attention and make an impact. He’s had enough of people speeding past his house, while children live and play in the area.

The sign speaks volumes, serving as a reminder that every choice we make behind the wheel can have serious consequences. It reads, “Last week, my dog was tragically struck because you chose not to slow down. If you hit a child, your family will be left burying you.”

Now it’s your turn to weigh in. How do you feel when you see this sign? Do you support the dog owners or those calling them out for not taking responsibility? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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