In November 2023, a man took to the “AITA” subreddit to share a complex situation involving his ex-wife’s plea for assistance. Despite their divorce and subsequent remarriages, the man maintained 50/50 custody of their children, aged 15 and 12. When his ex-wife faced financial hardship after her most recent husband left her, she reached out to him for help with groceries.

At first, the man considered helping out and decided to offer his ex-wife a generous supply of food from his freezer and pantry, including elk, venison, wild hog, and various other meats. He thought this would be a practical way to support her and their children. However, instead of accepting this offer, his ex-wife requested cash for takeout. The man declined, insisting that he had already provided enough food for her and the children.

This decision led to accusations from his ex-wife, who claimed that he expected gratitude for what she perceived as “scraps.” The man, however, stood firm in his decision. Despite the controversy surrounding his choice, many commenters online sided with him, deeming him “NTA” (Not The A**hole). They praised his approach of providing food rather than cash, comparing it to buying a meal for a panhandler instead of giving money directly. They found it confusing that his ex-wife reacted negatively and supported his decision to prioritize his children’s well-being.

In my opinion, the man was justified in refusing to give money to his ex-wife. He showed genuine generosity by offering a substantial supply of food to help alleviate her financial struggles, especially considering his responsibility for their children’s welfare during his custody periods. If I were in his shoes, I would likely have taken a similar approach, prioritizing practical assistance over cash handouts.