Have you ever wished you had a lie detector to catch someone in a fib? Well, one father took it to the next level when he bought a lie detector robot that actually slaps you when you lie! Intrigued, he decided to test it out on his son during supper.

With a mischievous smile, the father asked his son, “Where were you last night?”

Feeling confident, the son replied, “I was at the library.” But before he could finish his sentence, SLAP! The robot knew better.

Feeling a bit flustered, the son quickly corrected himself, “Okay, okay, I was at a friend’s house.”

Curiosity piqued, the father inquired further, “Doing what exactly?”

The son admitted, “We were watching the movie Toy Story.” Yet again, SLAP! The robot wasn’t fooled.

Feeling defeated, the son finally confessed, “Alright, it was a little bit dirty!”

Unexpectedly, the father couldn’t help but exclaim, “What? When I was your age, I didn’t even know what dirty meant!” And just like that, SLAP! The robot didn’t care about excuses.

Seeing the humor in the situation, the mother couldn’t help but laugh and remarked, “He certainly is your son.” Little did she know, SLAP! The robot didn’t hold back even with her.

This playful test with the lie detector robot surely brought some laughter to the family dinner. It’s moments like these that remind us of the joy shared among loved ones, even in the face of a robotic truth-teller.