Once upon a time in the early 2000s, a father named John stepped into a sporting goods store, looking completely out of his element. He had come with his 11-year-old son, Brian, who was excitedly preparing for his first Boy Scout campout. As luck would have it, I, an experienced Eagle Scout and employee at the store, was there to assist them.

Seeing the enthusiasm in Brian’s eyes, I knew I had to help make this camping trip a special one. With my boss’s permission, I took the time to go through the camping equipment list with them, explaining every item and its purpose. We laughed together when I revealed that Kybo Tape was just scout slang for toilet paper.

As we went through the aisles, I couldn’t help but share stories from my own scouting adventures. From scaling Mount Hood to rafting down the Deschutes, I painted a vivid picture of the amazing experiences that lay ahead for Brian. His eyes sparkled, and he couldn’t wait to embark on his own scouting journey.

After carefully selecting a tent, sleeping bag, cooking equipment, and other essentials, we reached the checkout counter. The total was a bit over $200, which left John visibly surprised and concerned. But I remembered the Scout Law, “A Scout is helpful and kind,” and decided to knock 20% off the total. The gratitude on John’s face and the joy in Brian’s eyes made my heart swell.

Little did I know that this encounter was only the beginning of a beautiful relationship. About a week later, Brian and John returned to the store, eager to show me pictures from their camping trip. We proudly pinned some of those photos to our brag board, commemorating their adventure.

During our conversation, John confided in me that scouting had become a lifeline for him. Going through a difficult divorce, he cherished the moments he could spend quality time with his son. This camping trip had been a bonding experience that warmed their hearts. I reassured John that this was what scouting was all about – helping others and creating lifelong memories.

Over the next year, they became regular customers at the store, as Brian’s scouting journey progressed. I even started volunteering as a merit badge counselor for their troop, enjoying every moment of it. However, life eventually led us on separate paths, and our interactions became few and far between.

But fate works in mysterious ways. In late 2010, I received an unexpected phone call from a familiar voice. It was Brian, now a confident young man, inviting me to his Eagle Court of Honor. I was overcome with emotion as memories of our journey together came flooding back. Of course, I accepted the invitation without hesitation.

At the ceremony, I watched with pride as Brian stood tall, receiving his Eagle Medal. He singled me out in his speech, acknowledging the impact I had on his scouting journey. Tears streamed down my face, knowing that I had played a small part in shaping the remarkable person he had become.

Later, I caught up with John and witnessed the profound transformation scouting had brought to their lives. He had let go of bitterness and focused on being the best scout leader he could be. Their divorce had become more amicable, allowing them to successfully renegotiate custody. John beamed with pride and admiration for his son, who was not only destined for great things but also devoted to serving others as a police officer.

Today, as Brian prepares to turn 21, I am honored to write him a reference letter for his police department applications. He embodies the qualities we all admire in an officer – duty, honor, integrity, generosity, and kindness. I know that our chance encounter at the store played a small role in shaping his path, and I couldn’t be prouder.

The story of a father discovering the world of camping with his Boy Scout son is a testament to the power of mentorship, friendship, and the positive impact scouting can have on families. It reminds us that sometimes, the simplest act of kindness can shape a young life in immeasurable ways. So, if you ever have the opportunity to help someone on their journey, seize it with open arms and watch as their story unfolds.