Have you ever dreamed of owning a home in a beautiful foreign country? Well, Stephanie Synclair, an American mom-of-one, made it a reality when she decided to widen her search area for a new home. After struggling to afford a house in Atlanta, Stephanie is now the proud owner of a charming home in Italy, and all at a fraction of the cost she expected!

Stephanie’s home-buying journey began in 2020 when she set herself a budget of $450,000 to get on the property ladder. She was hopeful when mortgage rates dropped during the pandemic, but unfortunately, rates quickly shot back up again. By 2021, the prices of homes in the neighborhoods she had her eye on had skyrocketed, making it impossible for her to afford one.

Refusing to give up on her dream, Stephanie decided to explore other options and look outside the country. Curiosity led her to broaden her search, and little did she know that this decision would change her life forever.

Around ten years ago, Stephanie had visited Sicily with her son after leaving her corporate marketing job. She immediately fell in love with the region and felt a deep connection to its vibrant culture. Stephanie knew she wanted to retire in Italy someday and sought out opportunities to make it happen.

One day, while browsing through a Facebook group for American expats in Europe, Stephanie stumbled upon a post about cheap houses for sale in Sicily. She learned about the town of Mussomeli, which had gained attention for selling dilapidated homes for just 1 euro. Intrigued, Stephanie began her search for stable, yet affordable, homes in the area.

In November 2022, Stephanie found her dream home—a spacious three-bedroom, two-bathroom house encompassing 4,000 square feet. The price? Just 59,000 euros, equivalent to around $62,000. Stephanie has also set aside approximately $21,000 for renovations to make the house perfect for her and her son.

While Stephanie continues to rent a home in Atlanta, she eagerly looks forward to the day she can retire in Italy. The hospitable nature of the community, the fond memories of her vacations there, and the allure of a more affordable lifestyle played pivotal roles in making her dream a reality.

Stephanie’s story reminds us that sometimes, when one door closes, another one opens. By widening her search area, she discovered an incredible opportunity that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. So, don’t be afraid to explore beyond your comfort zone because you never know where your dreams might take you!

Source: CNBC Make It