Since I was just a young six-year-old, my stepmom has surprised me every New Year’s with a rather unusual gift – a plastic pig. Yes, you read that right. A pig. Every single year without fail. Now, you might be wondering why on earth I never questioned this peculiar tradition. Well, the truth is, my stepmom has had her fair share of mental health issues, and I never wanted to hurt her feelings. So, I always acted surprised and graciously accepted the quirky present with a smile.

But this year, everything changed. My sister, who had clearly grown tired of the annual charade, decided to confront me about it. “Are you seriously still clueless?” she questioned, eyebrows raised in disbelief. Confused, I asked, “Clueless about what?” And that’s when she revealed the truth. She urged me to check the underside of the plastic pig.

To my utter astonishment, a tiny note was hidden there, patiently waiting for me to discover it. It simply said, “Just because it’s funny!” And in that moment, everything clicked. Year after year, my stepmom had been playing a lighthearted prank on me, finding immense joy in the repetition of this odd and seemingly meaningless gift. There were no hidden meanings or secret treasures, just the whimsical essence of an inside joke that had eluded my understanding for so long.

With this newfound revelation, a whole new layer of appreciation emerged for my stepmom’s unique and endearing sense of humor. It made me realize that this peculiar tradition was more than just a plastic pig; it was a charming and unforgettable chapter in our family’s New Year celebrations. It served as a reminder of the love and laughter that binds us together, even in the midst of life’s challenges.

So, as I unwrapped my plastic pig this year, I couldn’t help but smile and cherish the memories it held. It may not appear significant to others, but to me, it represents the enduring bond between my stepmom and me. And no matter how old I get, I will always treasure this delightful tradition and the connection it symbolizes within our family.