Life can lead us on unexpected paths, and even well-known television personalities like Frank Fritz are not immune to personal struggles. Today, we dive into the heartbreaking story of Frank Fritz, the host of “American Pickers,” as he navigates through the challenges of divorce, alcoholism, and health threats. Grab a cup of tea, and let’s delve into this emotional journey together.

Love and Betrayal

Frank Fritz’s story begins when he first met Diann Bankson at the age of 25. They embarked on a tumultuous journey, dating on and off before finally getting engaged in 2017. The couple decided to settle down and purchased an Iowa farmhouse in 2018, creating a vision of a beautiful life together.

However, their love story took a devastating turn in November of the following year. Bankson claimed to have walked in on Fritz, only to find him in bed with another woman. The betrayal shattered Fritz’s heart, but despite everything, he confessed that he still desired to marry Bankson.

“I was going to marry her. I bought a house and a large, expensive ring,” Fritz admitted, revealing his unwavering love despite the painful discovery of his fiancee’s infidelity. To remind himself to avoid making the same mistake again, he even got a tattoo that reads, “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” Fritz expressed that Bankson’s actions had cost him not only emotionally but financially as well.

Dealing with Heartbreak

In an attempt to heal his broken heart, Fritz sought solace in alcohol. Weight loss became a side effect of his coping mechanism. “I gave it my all,” Fritz confessed. “I attempted to drown her in alcohol,” highlighting the depth of his pain. However, recognizing the need for self-care and healing, Fritz decided to take a break from dating while working on his battle with alcoholism.

Unfortunately, the hardships didn’t end there for Fritz. He faced another blow when he lost his job as the host of “American Pickers” on the History Channel in March 2020. Initially, Fritz cited health problems as the reason behind his absence and expressed his intentions to return to the show once he had recovered from back surgery.

Although Fritz claimed that a showrunner had contacted him and promised his return, there are currently “no plans” for him to come back as a host, according to TMZ. This further added to the challenges he faced during this turbulent period of his life.

A Friend’s Support and Rehabilitation

While Fritz’s professional life took a setback, his personal life continued to evolve as well. His former partner, Diann Bankson, moved on and introduced a new love interest, Eric Longlett, an engineering administration manager. Bankson couldn’t contain her happiness, sharing on social media about their experiences together, including attending Elton John’s Yellow Brick Road Farewell Tour.

Amidst the ups and downs, tragedy struck when Fritz suffered a stroke on July 4, 2022. Thankfully, a friend discovered him on the floor of his house and promptly called for help. Fritz’s father, Bill Fritz, later assured reporters that his son was making progress each day and on the path to recovery.

However, Fritz’s rehabilitation didn’t go as planned, resulting in the need for guardianship and a temporary conservatorship. His “longtime friend” stepped forward and successfully obtained approval for the role, while a bank took charge of managing his finances.

As Fritz’s conservator, the bank assumes responsibility for all costs related to his care, including daily expenses, health insurance, property taxes, and maintenance. They are also tasked with ensuring appropriate transportation for activities and medical appointments.

Fritz’s friend must submit an initial care plan and actively participate in decision-making on his behalf. This includes determining his living arrangements, healthcare needs, and fostering communication with family members and potential romantic interests. Additionally, yearly reports must be provided to ensure transparency and accountability.

It is evident from the documents that Fritz’s condition is more severe than previously known, rendering him unable to make important decisions or effectively communicate about his financial affairs. Until he can receive proper treatment and regain the ability to be self-sufficient, his guardian will continue to make decisions on his behalf, ensuring his health and safety.

Looking Ahead

The court’s decision to appoint a guardian and conservator reflects the necessity of protecting Fritz’s health and overall well-being. It is an arduous journey for Fritz, but with his friend’s support and the guidance of his conservator, we remain hopeful for his continued progress and recovery.

This heartfelt story reminds us of the fragility of life and the strength needed to overcome its obstacles. We send our best wishes to Frank Fritz, praying for his health, and urging our friends and families to share this story, spreading awareness and positivity.

Let us stand by Frank Fritz, comforting him with our thoughts, and hoping for brighter days ahead.