Have you ever been in a situation where you constantly find yourself paying for someone else’s expenses? That’s exactly what happened to one woman who turned to Reddit for advice. Let’s dive into her story and see what the Reddit community had to say about it.

The woman explained that she frequently dined out with her boyfriend and his children, as they loved the experience of eating at restaurants. However, there was a recurring problem – her boyfriend conveniently “forgot” his credit card every time they went out to eat. This left her not only frustrated but also financially burdened.

Initially, she didn’t mind picking up the bill occasionally. But as time went on, it became clear that her boyfriend’s forgetfulness was taking a toll on her bank account. She found herself paying for dinner numerous times in the previous month and it was starting to leave her broke.

One night, as they were heading out to dinner with his children again, the woman decided to remind her boyfriend to bring his wallet. She sent him a text, hoping that this time he would remember. Unfortunately, he brushed off her reminder with a laugh.

When they arrived at the restaurant, the woman anxiously asked her boyfriend if he had brought his wallet. To her dismay, he had that familiar look of realization on his face and admitted that he had forgotten it. He sheepishly explained that he had left it in a different pair of jeans.

At this point, the woman had had enough. She saw her hard-earned money being spent on expensive items from the menu, while her boyfriend conveniently relied on her to foot the bill. In an act of frustration and self-respect, she gathered her things and prepared to leave the restaurant without even getting the chance to eat dinner.

Naturally, her boyfriend was taken aback by her abrupt departure and demanded an explanation. She calmly expressed her frustration and explained that she was not prepared to continue paying for him and his children’s meals. She didn’t see it as fair and believed that everyone should contribute their share.

Later on, the woman received a call from her boyfriend, who expressed his anger and called her selfish for leaving him and his children in that situation. He argued that forgetting his wallet was just an honest mistake and accused her of lacking sympathy for him and his children. He even mentioned that he had to cancel the food order and take his children home hungry because he couldn’t afford their meals.

The woman stood her ground, emphasizing that she could no longer bear the burden of paying for their expenses. She believed it was vital for everyone to take responsibility for their own financial obligations.

This story resonated with many Reddit users, who shared their opinions on the matter. Some agreed with the woman, stating that it’s unfair for one person to consistently shoulder the financial burden in a relationship. Others suggested having a conversation about money management and setting boundaries regarding shared expenses.

The lesson here is clear – open communication and mutual respect are essential in any relationship, especially when it comes to financial matters. It’s crucial to find a fair and balanced way to share expenses, ensuring that no one person is left carrying the load.