An image of a person holding their chest in pain

Did you know that heart attacks are the leading cause of death in the United States? With our fast-paced lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, the incidence of heart attacks has been on the rise. However, there are ways to protect ourselves and even potentially save our lives. One of these ways is by recognizing the warning signs our body gives us a month before a heart attack. By paying attention to these signs and taking action, we can reduce the risk of heart failure.

Pay Attention to These Warning Signs

1. Swollen Feet

Congestive heart failure can cause the lower chambers of the heart to lose their ability to pump blood effectively. This can lead to the accumulation of blood in the legs, ankles, and feet, resulting in swelling.

2. Fatigue

Narrowed arteries mean that the heart receives less blood than it needs. This can cause excessive tiredness and drowsiness as the heart works harder to compensate.

3. Shortness of Breath

When the heart doesn’t receive enough blood, the lungs may also be deprived of sufficient oxygen. Difficulty in breathing can be a sign of an impending heart attack and should not be ignored.

4. Weakness

Narrowed arteries can inhibit proper blood circulation, leading to weakness in the body. Muscles may not get the nourishment they need, increasing the risk of unexpected falls.

5. Dizziness and Cold Sweats

Poor circulation can restrict blood flow to the brain, posing a serious threat to life. Dizziness and clamminess are initial symptoms that should not be taken lightly.

6. Chest Pressure

Discomfort or pressure in the chest is a common symptom of a heart attack. This sensation may gradually intensify until the actual attack occurs.

7. Symptoms of Flu or Cold

Sudden flu-like symptoms could be an indication that a heart attack is imminent. Many people mistake the early signs of a cold for the onset of a flu, so it’s important to pay attention to these symptoms.

Take Action Promptly

If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it’s essential to seek medical attention promptly. Detecting the signs early is crucial in preventing a heart attack. Remember, your health is important, and taking care of your heart can make a significant difference in your life.