When my daughter walked into the living room, I never expected her to make such a shocking declaration. “Dad,” she said, “cancel my allowance right away, rent out my room, throw all my clothes out the window, and get rid of my TV, stereo, iPhone, iPod, and laptop.” I was taken aback by her request, but she wasn’t done. “Please, take all my jewelry to the Salvation Army or Cash Converters. Oh, and sell my new car too. And if that’s not enough, take my front door key, kick me out of the house, disown me, and never speak to me again. Finally, make sure to write me out of your will and leave everything to my brother.”

Of course, she didn’t actually say all those things. What she actually said was, “Dad, this is my new boyfriend.” You can imagine my relief!

John, my daughter’s new boyfriend, recently returned from an exciting safari in Africa. Excitedly, he shared his adventurous tale with his friend Mark. According to John, it went something like this:

“I was exploring the wild jungle when suddenly I heard a rustling noise behind me. I turned around to discover a massive lion, licking its chops and seemingly smiling at me. It was a terrifying sight. Without wasting a second, I started sprinting, with the lion in hot pursuit. But fate seemed to be on my side. The lion slipped and I managed to gain a bit of distance. However, it wasn’t long before the lion caught up again. Just as he was about to pounce, he slipped for a second time. I spotted a nearby house and made a beeline for it. As the lion closed in, he slipped once more, giving me a tiny bit more time to escape. With every ounce of strength I had left, I rushed into the house and slammed the door shut, just as the lion reached it.”

Mark couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Wow, John, that’s quite the story! I would have been terrified in your shoes,” he remarked.

To which John replied, with a mischievous grin, “Well, what do you think the lion kept slipping on?”

And with that, they burst into laughter, relieved to be safe from the clutches of the jungle.