Have you ever been in a situation where you constantly find yourself paying the bill because your partner conveniently “forgets” their credit card? Well, one woman turned to Reddit to seek advice on whether she was wrong for her reaction to this frustrating scenario. And let me tell you, the internet had a lot to say!

The woman explained that she and her boyfriend would frequently go out to eat with his children. Now, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a meal at a restaurant, but what’s not so great is when her boyfriend mysteriously forgot his card every single time. You can imagine the financial strain this put on the woman, leaving her broke after paying for dinners countless times.

One night, after being paid from her second part-time job, the woman and her boyfriend were heading to dinner with his children once again. Knowing his tendency to conveniently forget his wallet, she sent him a text reminder. However, he brushed it off with a laugh. Little did she know, this dinner would be the breaking point.

Upon arriving at the restaurant, the boyfriend’s children excitedly ordered expensive items off the menu. Sensing a familiar pattern, the woman cautiously asked her boyfriend if he had remembered his wallet this time. To her dismay, he patted his pockets and revealed that he had forgotten it in a different pair of jeans.

Frustrated and tired of this recurring situation, the woman made a bold decision. She gathered her things, ready to leave the restaurant without having dinner. Her boyfriend, puzzled by her actions, demanded to know what she was doing and where she was going. She explained that she refused to foot the bill once again and walked away.

Later, the woman received a call from her boyfriend, who accused her of being selfish for leaving him and their children in that situation. In response, she expressed her frustration, explaining that it wasn’t fair for her to always pay for them. The boyfriend, still upset, argued that he had forgotten his wallet and blamed her for not showing sympathy towards him and the children. He even mentioned that they had to cancel their food order and leave the restaurant hungry.

Now, let’s think about this situation from a different perspective. Is the woman being selfish for not wanting to pay for her boyfriend and his children every time they go out? Or is it more about fairness and financial responsibility? It’s important to consider both sides of the story and come to a mutual understanding.

Going out to eat is a treat, but it should never become a burden, especially when it comes to finances. Communication and compromise are key in any relationship, and finding a solution that works for everyone involved is essential. After all, fairness and understanding go a long way towards building a strong and healthy partnership.

So, to the woman facing this dilemma, you are not alone. Many others have shared similar experiences, and it’s important to remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and fairness. Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for standing up for yourself and your financial well-being.

The road to a balanced relationship is paved with open conversations and finding solutions that work for both partners. And if your partner continues to “forget” their credit card, well, it might be time for a serious conversation about financial responsibility.

Remember, you are never selfish for valuing your own financial stability. It’s time to prioritize your needs and find a way to enjoy meals out without constantly bearing the burden of the bill.