Imagine being married to someone for nearly 50 years and still having moments that catch you completely by surprise. That’s exactly what happened to a couple one evening as they lay in bed together.

As the wife relaxed, she suddenly felt her husband’s arm on her body. It was as if he was about to give her a massage. Curious and excited, she allowed him to continue without saying a word.

Her husband’s touch moved from her neck to her back, easing any tension she had. He then ventured to her shoulders and stomach, his gentle caresses making her feel beautiful and loved.

But just when she thought the massage couldn’t get any better, her husband’s hands moved down the side of her body, trailing over her bottom and then down to her inner calf. It was at this moment that she realized something was not quite right.

With a sudden stop and without a word, her husband turned around. Confused and filled with anticipation, the wife asked, “Honey, that was really amazing. Why did you stop?”

And then came the punchline that left her laughing uncontrollably. Her husband simply replied, “Because I found the remote I was looking for!”

If you found this joke amusing, don’t hesitate to share it with your friends. Laughter is always best when shared!