Did you know that all blue-eyed people on this planet share a common ancestor? That’s right, every single one of the 7.8 billion individuals with blue eyes can trace their lineage back to the same person. However, don’t worry, it’s not as close as your mom or grandma that you have to blame for this ancestral connection. If you happen to share this relation with them, that’s a different story.

The common ancestor of all blue-eyed people lived between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago, which means numerous generations have passed since then. Researchers have uncovered an intriguing gene in our eyes called OCA2, which determines the level of brown pigment. For people with blue eyes, they possess a specific gene called HERC2, which restricts the OCA2 gene, leading to the development of mesmerizing blue eyes.

While the HERC2 gene doesn’t completely “switch off” the OCA2 gene, it does reduce the production of melanin in the iris, effectively diluting the brown eyes to radiant blue. As every blue-eyed person in the world carries the HERC2 gene with the same mutation passed down through generations, scientists have concluded that all blue eyes originated from one individual.

A team of researchers from the University of Copenhagen conducted extensive research on mitochondrial DNA and examined the eye color of blue-eyed individuals in various countries, including Jordan, Denmark, and Turkey. Professor Hans Eiberg, from the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, shared their findings: “Originally, we all had brown eyes. But a genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a ‘switch,’ which literally ‘turned off’ the ability to produce brown eyes.”

Interestingly, these blue-eyed individuals have inherited the same genetic switch at precisely the same spot in their DNA. When asked about the nature of this mutation, Professor Eiberg reassured that it is neither positive nor negative, just an intriguing part of our genetic history.

The discovery of our shared ancestry through blue eyes not only highlights the fascinating world of genetics but also showcases the interconnectedness and diversity of our global human family. So, the next time you gaze into a pair of mesmerizing blue eyes, remember the remarkable journey that connects us all.