Husband Always

Making Love in the Dark

In a long-term relationship, communication is key. It helps build trust and understanding between partners. However, sometimes misunderstandings can arise when communication breaks down.

One couple had been married for 20 years, and the husband always insisted on making love in the dark. This preference perplexed the wife, as she longed to see her husband’s face during their intimate moments.

Shedding Light on a Surprise

One day, the wife decided to turn on the light and see her husband’s reaction. To her surprise, she found him holding a vibrator. Shocked and angered, she exclaimed, “You impotent bastard! How could you lie to me all these decades?”

The Power of Calm Communication

In the midst of her anger, the husband remained calm and looked her straight in the eyes. He calmly suggested, “I’ll reveal the toy, you explain it to the young ones.”

This humorous story serves as a reminder of the importance of open and honest communication in relationships. Misunderstandings can be avoided by discussing our desires and needs with our partners. By doing so, we can build a stronger and more fulfilling relationship.