Have you ever received money from someone by mistake? It’s a situation that many of us have faced at some point. But what happens when the person who sent you the money actually owes you? Let me share with you a personal experience that turned me into the villain.

A Tiring Day for a Nurse

As a nurse, my work shifts can be grueling, especially when I have to cover double shifts. On this particular day, after working tirelessly, all I wanted was to get some much-needed rest and fall into a deep sleep.

Unaware of the Mistake

Little did I know that while I was peacefully sleeping, someone realized their mistake of sending money to me. By 8:30 in the morning, the texts and missed calls started pouring in, pleading for me to return the funds.

A Relationship Complicated by Finances

To give you some context, my ex-husband and I have been divorced for seven years. He is the father of our four children. However, four years ago, he faced financial setbacks and struggled to keep up with his rent.

Seizing an Opportunity

Over the years, my ex-husband repeatedly promised to repay me but consistently failed to do so. Meanwhile, he seemed to be enjoying life with his girlfriend. So, when I received the accidental money transfer, I saw it as an opportunity to finally get some of the money he owed me.

Painting Me as the Villain

Unfortunately, this decision portrayed me as the villain in their eyes. The girlfriend had already been bad-mouthing me, causing me so much distress that I even had to deactivate my social media accounts. As a result, the once amicable relationship with my ex-husband’s parents became strained.

The Real Story

But their perception is far from the truth. We’ve been separated for almost a decade, and my life has changed significantly since then. My priority has always been the well-being and happiness of our children. The problem lies in the fact that my ex-husband never considered repaying me when I supported him during his difficult times.

Seeking Perspective

Feeling the weight of the situation, I decided to share my story with a colleague to gain a different perspective. However, another coworker overheard our conversation and believed I was wrong for taking the money owed to me.

Doing What’s Right

Fortunately, the child support company is aware of the outstanding payments, and it is being addressed accordingly. In fact, it may even lead to wage garnishment. Even if my ex-husband took this matter to court, I am confident that I did the right thing by reclaiming the money he owed me.

In the end, it’s important to prioritize fairness and responsibility. Life is full of unexpected twists, and we must make difficult decisions to protect what is rightfully ours.