At times, a small act of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life. This was the case for Lauren Ball, a hardworking waitress at a Waffle House in Kingsport, Tennessee. One late night, as she was preparing to end her shift, a customer walked in, and little did she know, her life was about to change.

Lauren had been feeling the weight of some financial struggles. She had just paid for her 2-year-old son’s birthday party and was getting ready to go on a much-needed vacation to Florida with her father. So when the customer entered the restaurant, Lauren wasn’t particularly eager to serve him.

Despite her tiredness and financial worries, Lauren engaged in a friendly conversation with two of the men she was waiting on. She stepped outside for a quick cigarette break, and to her surprise, one of the men followed her. He told her that his friend was planning to leave her an extraordinary tip. Skeptical but curious, Lauren went back inside, only to be completely taken aback by what she saw on the receipt.

“It took my breath away,” Lauren shared. “It made me sick to my stomach, but in a good way.” The tip left by the customer was nothing short of extraordinary. It was a gesture that would make a significant impact on her life.

Word about the astonishing tip quickly spread throughout the restaurant, leaving the other employees in disbelief. They had to see it for themselves to believe it. The cook approached the customer who had left the generous tip and asked if he was serious. And to their delight, he confirmed that it was genuine.

Filled with gratitude and emotion, Lauren couldn’t help but cry as she expressed her appreciation to the kind-hearted customer. “I told him he was an angel, and he would never know how much that meant to me,” she shared. When asked why he decided to do such a selfless act, the customer simply replied, “I just like to do things for nice people.”

This unexpected act of kindness left an indelible mark on Lauren’s heart. The memory of this stranger’s generosity will forever stay with her. And she hopes that one day, when she has the means, she will have the opportunity to pay it forward and do something kind for a stranger herself.

When the story of this incredible tip circulated on social media, readers couldn’t help but share their thoughts and applaud the customer for his compassion. “This woman deserved it,” one comment read. “What a nice man. This single mom is working to support her kids. People should learn from her.”