Cleaning the garden can be an uneventful task, but for Craig Mcgettrick, it turned into quite the surprise. As he lifted up an old, worn-out mattress, he discovered five little animals hiding beneath it. Little did he know that this discovery would change his plans entirely.

At first, Craig believed that the animals were puppies and thought it would be a good idea to take them to an animal shelter. However, a week later, he received some surprising news. It turns out, these “puppies” were not dogs at all.

It all started when Craig and his coworker were clearing out the trash around the house. As they moved the old mattress, they noticed something unusual. There, cuddled beneath the mattress, were five adorable creatures.

Craig speculated that someone deliberately left the animals there, knowing that they would be picked up with the rest of the garbage. Uncertain of what to do with them, he decided to take a few pictures and share them on social media before taking them to a shelter for proper care.

Little did Craig know, his social media posts would catch the attention of a fox group founder. The founder reached out to Craig, sharing her suspicions that these “puppies” might actually be fox cubs. Intrigued, Craig decided to investigate further.

As it turned out, the national fox group confirmed that these animals were indeed fox cubs. The mother fox had used the old mattress as a den to raise her pups. The idea of reuniting them with their mother arose, but it seemed like a challenging task.

To give the little ones a chance at being raised in the wild where they belonged, a decision was made to transport them back to Craig’s garden in a box. What happened next amazed everyone. A fox mother came running towards the box, assessing her young ones before swiftly carrying them away. They would be better nurtured by their own mother in the wild than in an animal refuge.

This unexpected turn of events taught Craig and his coworker an important lesson about the wonders of nature. Sometimes, the most ordinary tasks can lead to extraordinary discoveries. And in this case, it reunited a fox mother with her precious cubs, ensuring a brighter future for them all.