Wedding Crashers: 20 Nightmare Guests Who Stole the Spotlight

20 Nightmare Wedding Guests Who Completely Ruined the Big Day

Not only have people done odd things to disrupt the special days of their family members, but they have also made improper remarks during speeches at other people’s weddings. Several internet users admitted that they or someone they know had ruined other people’s memorable memories.

The marriage of a couple ushers in a new phase of their lives. In the hopes that their wedding will be among the happiest days of their lives, they celebrate their love on this day with their loved ones.

But occasionally, plans fall through, and the celebration falls short of the couple’s expectations. Sometimes unexpected behaviour by certain guests ruins the wedding.

A couple of users on Reddit discussed how some people spoiled wedding ceremonies and the ensuing events.

Grammar and clarity have been improved in the comments.


My Father-in-Law Mispronounced My Name

u/[deleted]: When addressing me and giving speeches, my father-in-law frequently mentioned the name of my husband’s ex-girlfriend.

At the wedding, he gave a rambling toast that was filled with anecdotes about Mark and Alyssa’s developing romance and how cute it was. I’m not Alyssa. In high school, Alyssa was his girlfriend.

He was born into a divorced family. He was involved in alcohol misuse, and I had met him twice before our nuptials. After he turned twelve, he didn’t see my spouse very often. He was disconnected.

Before getting married, we had been dating for almost seven years. At least my father-in-law should pronounce my name correctly.

2. The Reception Became Unorganised

u/Enjolras1781: My friend got married in Vermont and chose to have an open reception in a large hay field following the ceremony in private.

More than 300 of the many people they invite turn up. From 10 a.m., it’s a predicted Armageddon. up till almost six o’clock at night. when everyone is extremely inebriated.

Throughout the day, people come and go, but four groups remain constant: the immediate family, the college friends of the bride’s sister (who major in women’s studies and are involved in Model UN), the home friends of the groom (who are all farmers or animal breeders), and the bride’s friends (the guys I went with, who have a variety of interests but a shared fondness for sticking things with sticks).

It’s a drunken fire party in the middle of nowhere, so some yelling and boisterous ideological disagreement was expected (and encouraged by many; “he was calling you a feminazi, you are going to go sort it out?”). However, it escalated when a heated discussion turned to a girl getting hit with a hot coal shovel. There are a few minor altercations between the home friends and the college friends.

We were told to disperse after complete commotion, numerous 911 calls, police cruisers from three different agencies, and a few ambulances.

We were all intoxicated and rowdy, which was the problem. As a result, we sent a lot of dubious people home and put some people to bed way above the legal limit after a few arrests and a severe reprimand from the police.

And the girl who was struck by the shovel? The guy was merely trying to get some dirt on the girl; he had no idea it was the recently used coal shovel.

Being a veterinarian, he took her away and apologised profusely before treating her in less than an hour. The EMT did not even attempt to remove the bandage. Sadly, it is not possible to reverse 15 almost simultaneous 911 calls. They couldn’t drive, so they both spent the night, and the next morning we discovered them in the same sleeping bag.

3. The Potatoes, Mashed

u/Cant_Spel: At our wedding, my brother made a very interesting toast. He really is a really amiable man who is liked by many. After he finished his drink, he thanked everyone for coming and began his best man speech.

He then had to express his gratitude to the grandparents for coming and “doing what they did” (using air quotes as a gesture) to allow our parents to be present.

The parents were then thanked for their efforts, which allowed all of us children to be present. Then he stumbles off the dance floor, dropping the mic and mumbling, “God bless the mashed potatoes!”

Our prime rib dinner was excellent, and the chipotle pepper mashed potatoes were the finest we’ve ever eaten. There was a riot of laughing throughout the reception, and my mum went to collect the recipe from the cook.

4. The Day Was Saved by Me

u/karmar13: Although I wasn’t in the wedding, I was the flower girl. Even though it happened a long time ago, I still remember it clearly.

Thus, the bride arrives at the wedding with her entourage. The seamstress would send the bridesmaids’ clothes to the wedding venue, and the bride had her gown and I had my tiny garment.

The wedding party arrived well in advance, of course. In any case, the seamstress never delivered the bridesmaids’ gowns. Nobody was sure how to proceed. Complete fear.

As for me, at seven years old, I was sitting in the corner, not sure what all the fuss was about. I pulled on the bride and pointed to the choir robes in the closet in the corner, saying, “They could wear those dresses.” Her eyes widened. Indeed, they did. Wedding averted!

5. My marriage licence was stolen by someone.

u/MissWriter1: Sunday was my wedding day. Even though my officiant stated there would be no pictures or films taken, my aunt was using flash photography the entire time, and my photographer was unable to capture some of the images I was hoping for.

In addition, my aunt and mother were treating everyone badly. We then signed the marriage licence, which I tucked into my purse and left to go grab some wine.

When I return, my mother is searching through my purse. Her reason for obtaining gum was that “the brisket was too dry.”

It was only after she was gone that I realised I was missing the marriage licence. She accepted it. I need to acquire another one now.

6. The ex-wife of my closest friend

u/[deleted]: It’s a nice story; I’m not sure if she destroyed it. My best friend served as our best man at my wedding. His ex-wife was a stunning woman who enjoyed alcohol. For years, everything had been this way.

She assured him that she would abstain from alcohol both before and during the wedding. Thus, she is dancing on the dance floor with my 300-pound, 50-year-old uncle midway through the celebration. It wasn’t suitable. She was then becoming overly intimate with every guy she encountered there.

After picking up his wife, my friend had to depart. She becomes enraged while driving home, jumps out of the car, and speeds down the street. My friend lost her, a marathon runner, as he turned the car.

She meets up with some women she knows from work at a neighbourhood pub. They continue to drink, and she fights with another woman she knows who was also present at the pub.

My friend’s wife tries to encourage that woman to fight her, but she departs. Thus, my friend’s wife follows them home in her work friend’s vehicle. She ultimately tries to kick the woman’s door.

When the door eventually opens, this woman beats the wife of one of my friends. My friend had to get her taken to the hospital by her work buddies, and it was then that he received the call to come get his wife.

7. I didn’t realise I was spoiling the wedding.

I once ruined a wedding, but it wasn’t my fault, according to u/Northsidebill1. It wasn’t, I promise. As is customary for persons who drive vehicles, I was requested to bring some chairs and a table to the reception hall because I was friends with the groom’s friend and I owned an F150.

I accepted and was informed that several women and men would meet me there to help unload and arrange things. Nice.

A lovely woman was among them. She returned my small flirtations. She suggested if I would want to stroll down the river that ran alongside the reception area. Yes, of course!

Things immediately got out of hand as we talked and walked for a bit. After spending some time together on the riverbank, I asked her to ride in my truck as we made our way back to the hall.

Since this was rural Indiana, we were becoming intimate in the back of the truck after travelling a numbered county road for approximately ten minutes.

Nobody was around, and it was late in the evening. Then an automobile approaches us. The girl from earlier came out of the car and began yelling at us as we remained motionless, waiting for them to pass. Yes, the bride was the girl I was with.

The nuptials were called off. It was quite the controversy for a time when my friend slapped me in the face (he subsequently apologised after learning that I didn’t know who she was).

8. The Wedding of My Aunt

u/RubixRube: My aunt married in a lavish, formal ceremony. I had to be the flower girl since I was four, cute, and related.

The truth is that the wedding party will have a long day ahead of them, and even the most focused adult will grow weary and bored between hair, makeup, pictures, and lengthy Baptist vows.

And now, as we stand in a queue beside the altar, the preacher at last calls for objections. I yawned as loudly as my small lungs would allow at that very time. The 200 friends and family members in the once-quiet chamber burst into laughter.

Upon realising that 200 people were observing me, I became frightened and resorted to what many terrified four-year-olds do: throw up, cry, and attempt to flee.

Thus, here I am, a furious and drenched four-year-old donning a pink taffeta dress, sprinting around a church as my mother, the maid of honour, frantically attempts to apprehend me (it’s difficult to run in heels and a ball gown). Thirty years later, I still can’t get over it.

9. My Big Day Was Ruined by My Mother-in-Law

u/[deleted]: I recently got married, and when we woke up together, we were pleased to have tied the knot. Then his mother sent my soon-to-be spouse a text. Notice: His mother’s black hair fell to her waist.

It’s her picture. She had my exact same haircut and color—shoulder length, brown with blonde streaks. I was furious!

The best day ever to dye your hair! And to do it on the day of my nuptials. Alright, I decided to go on and forget about it. It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for, at last. We arrive at the front as I make my way to the aisle.

I called the parents up so we could all say a vow together. His mother then avoided me by the priest, choosing to remain with the other parents by the groom (remember, our wedding was conducted in front of a river bank).

She screamed and fell after that. She fell and clutched my hair, and I fell too, only inches from the riverbank. My moment was ruined.

I was on the ground, trying not to cry, while she got up, laughed, and turned away. Honestly, I can’t recall anything else that happened during the event. I had a crimson face.

We don’t talk to each other anymore. And I will never, ever speak with that woman again. My spouse supports me in that choice. I still cry every time I remember my wedding.

She destroyed it and showed no remorse at all. And for those of you who claim she fell and was unavoidably hurt, I found out that her husband and the priest were holding her arms when I saw our wedding film. She backpedalled on purpose and lost her balance.

10. Things Took A Bad Turn

It was the sister of my closest friend’s wedding, u/CitizenTed. Someone asked me to man the open bar. There is no money to be exchanged. Just pour drinks and monitor the alcohol.

People were getting really inebriated halfway through the reception, most likely as a result of my serving them really stiff cocktails. Something started to stir at one point.

It seemed to be more of an ex-boyfriend versus the groom situation. I was ignorant. I had the bar tended. But people threw fists. Next, chairs. Then pandemonium.

I took every precaution to keep the alcohol safe. I was serving an extremely strong drink to an older man all night long when he rambled up to my bar and begged for another. I filled up. Food, fists, and cries were flying everywhere, and he shook his head. “These days’ kids,” he remarked.

I nodded and filled a glass for myself. The hall was a total shambles when the fighting stopped. The bride shed a few tears. Everything was ruined. The party was done, in my opinion. I walked out.

For them, the wedding might have been terrible, but for me, it was an unforgettable occasion. It was the most exciting wedding ever.

11. My nuptials

My folks arrived via plane from Michigan. The wedding took place in Phoenix. My family had never met my wife’s side of the family before.

To cut a long tale short, my two-year-old niece and her cousin’s two-year-old child were running around and playing tag just before the speeches started. Her cousin’s child tripped while running, which is quite normal, and since my niece is such a love, she went to help her up.

At this point, my niece started weeping because her cousin’s father was yelling at her. When my sister rushes to investigate, he tells her to “Watch her kid!”

This occurred shortly after my sister praised her family for their kindness and hospitality. We found out about it later, so it didn’t ruin our wedding. It seemed that his spouse was rushing around boasting to our visitors.

12. The fiancée of my father

u/harsh4correction2: My father wed in a simple seaside ceremony. At the time, I was eighteen. My great-aunt asked us to stay at her spotless personal home before granting us permission to use her fantastic two-bedroom beach property for a week.

My father’s fiancée decided at the house that rather than having a fully homemade meal, she would order a pizza. We convinced them to try the lovely home-cooked dinner that we had prepared. Even though my great-aunt was deeply insulted, she remained silent.

A few days later, I, the wedding officiant, my father and fiancée, my soon-to-be stepsister, my great aunt, and my grandfather were among the seven guests that attended the ceremony. By all accounts, the ceremony was quite tiny.

Because there were “too many people” and “she doesn’t even know this lady,” my great aunt, Dad’s fiancée pitched a fit.

Although it didn’t spoil the ceremony, my great aunt hasn’t contacted me since the wedding—a handless man could count on one hand how many times.

That might not sound remarkable, but when I was much younger, we corresponded via letter quite a bit. Her crazy territorial behaviour has also caused me to become very distant from my father.

13. Taking Credit for the Light

u/Five_Iron_Fade: My friends got married in a large, exquisite ceremony. When the scrumptious dinner was over, the band wrapped up their first set of songs. At best, it was mediocre. Nobody was having any fun dancing.

The band comes back, the crowd finally spills onto the dance floor as they open their second performance with a Michael Jackson medley. Billie Jean is about eight measures in when I watch the boyfriend of the maid of honour grab the mic and cut the band off.

I kept thinking, “There’s no way this is really happening,” but sure enough, he starts his drawn-out proposal and bends down.

The rest of the group stood in a circle and watched them like it was their first dance as the band played a slow tune just for them.

He must have discussed this with the bride previously because it completely ruined the celebration as it was about to start.

14. At My Sister’s Wedding, There Was Chaos

u/Jill-Sanwich: My elder sister’s wedding, not mine. We’ll refer to her as A. Our oldest sister, B, didn’t even ask A to her wedding; but, A had been making an effort to strengthen their bond and invited B in spite of this.

Recently, B, who is divorced, went to the wedding with A’s future husband’s close buddy. She made everyone uncomfortable early in the evening by acting really rudely towards my grandparents and aunt and by refusing to enter the dressing room with the other girls.

For some reason, our mother also declined to enter the dressing room. B makes an awkward joke to her prospective brother-in-law prior to the wedding about spending the entire day getting personal with his friend.

The event was held in a hotel honeymoon suite, so B and her date were the only ones dancing. She was also flirting with him in front of our family members, who used to change our diapers.

She laughed in my face when I got her away and discussed this with her, but she did quit after that. But she persuaded her date—who had grown up with the groom in Alaska and been friends with him for more than 20 years—to pick a fight with the groom.

Because he did, for whatever reason, I’m confident my sister was the first person to ever let this guy to have sex with her. Following some dirty jokes, a couple other twenty-plus year buddies stepped in, and the best man concluded it might be best if B’s date departed the reception.

Not that A or my brother-in-law asked him to do this; th

ey just requested B’s date to leave. In response, B leaped to her feet and bellowed incoherently to everyone she saw as she left that her “OWN SISTER” had expelled her.

After that, our mother apologised to everyone at the reception—even to those who were completely unaware of what had transpired. She went about calling A a “bridezilla,” and she was really concerned that B would be gone somewhere in the middle of the night.

After several hours, A finally advised that my mum take her husband—not our dad—home because he had just puked over himself and had been unconscious on a chair for a while.

Then, as she was leaving, our mother told everyone that her daughter had also thrown her out. It has been years since this happened, and none of them has apologised to A.

They both make up methods to victimise themselves and start to believe their falsehoods. I’ve caught them both making up stories about what happened and called them out, which allegedly means I “think I’m better than everyone else because I’m in college and have a career.”

15. One Woman Experienced Problems

u/Smouldering_goose: My SILs’ wedding, not mine. At a stunning location, the wedding was extremely traditional.

The boyfriend of one of the groomsmen’s girlfriends had a breakdown because he was having his picture taken with another girl, a bridesmaid, together with the bride and groom, the best man, and the maid of honour.

She pouted in a corner for the next three hours after I pulled her aside and ordered her to stop or go. It was the first dance, following the supper and speeches. Next, the newlyweds dance with the bride and groom’s parents, then the groomsmen and bridesmaids.

The bridesmaid is happily married, has two kids, and has met the groomsman twice. This girl went up to the dance floor and started screaming terrible things about the bridesmaid dancing with “her man.”

I dragged her out the closest door, down the driveway, and warned her not to come back since everyone was appalled. The groomsman was extremely embarrassed, and the bride was furious.

16. So Much Information

u/bunnyplop: A few strange things happened to me. We were married in the end, so I wouldn’t say someone wrecked the wedding, but one girl spoiled a tonne of photos!

She invited a guy who was working in the kitchen at the venue where she and I were employed for a few weeks to attend the ceremony. He was wearing a yellow hoodie and bag. They appear in a lot of photos because they were positioned directly on the aisle. She was dressed in white, too, I see. She managed to catch the bouquet as well.

One of my bridesmaids got into a quarrel with her fiance, and she spent the entire night sobbing in a corner. And the DJ committed a grave error. He didn’t give me the cue to play us back down the aisle after the wedding, so I turned to him uncomfortably and finger tapped him, saying, “Hit it!”

I started crying, so my friends went and spoke to him, and she gave her speech. Later, when my mom asked him to take the mic so she could deliver a speech, he responded, “No, it’s too late.”

17. He Spoiled His Own Nuptials

My fiancé’s cousin was getting married; u/AsianWhoHatesMath. Though they are wonderful individuals, he and his now-wife have awful friends.

The groom was constantly being pushed to join the companions in their excessive drinking, as they were extremely boisterous during the celebration.

When the evening draws to a close, the DJ summons the groom to the cake table so they can cut it together. A few minutes go by. He gets another call from the DJ. The groom is seated with his back to me when I turn around. Why hasn’t he realised that his name is being called, I wonder?

It turns out the groom couldn’t even walk after drinking too much, so he hasn’t made it to the cake. He has to be carried by two groomsmen to the cake, where they are barely able to convince him to cut it (or at least stage a cake-cutting ritual for the photographer).

He eventually puked on the bride and needed to be helped to the toilet and then the car, chair and all.

18. My Own Performance

u/bobbymack44212: In the summer of 1983, my girlfriend served as her college roommate’s maid of honour. I didn’t drink, but I thought the banquet supper at the golf course was a bit long. I asked my girlfriend to walk up and give the band $20 to perform a wedding staple called “feelings.”

You know that horrible justification for music, “Woah, woah, woah, feelings?” I put on my Blues Brothers shades and jump up on stage for a soul-shredding solo on Kazoo as the band starts playing the song.

At the head table, I see mouths open. As the father of the bride attempts to get up from his seat in order to enter the stage to kick me, he stumbles and falls into the seats at the table behind him.

This served as my signal to shift into a higher gear and scream and bleep into that torture device. Simultaneously, the band challenged the boundaries of their emotional expression to counterbalance my disjointed performance of the chorus.

As I pound through the last stanza, bewildered couples on the dance floor wonder if this is all part of the performance or if something has gone terribly wrong.

I decide that tact is preferable to bravery, so I scale the bandstand on the right side, head to a nearby exit, and jump onto a golf cart with my girlfriend to find our car and get out of there before I get into any trouble.

Given the background of my girlfriend and her flatmate, incidents such as these were almost routine—pardon the pun—which is why this tale has become a mainstay at their get-togethers.

The only drawback was that before I could attend any more wedding celebrations, I had to submit to a cavity search. She wasn’t taking any chances, not that I would have repeated myself.

19. The Mother and Her Children

u/peanut_little: Well, I was at my cousin’s wedding maybe four or five years ago. It would not be wise to start a quarrel on a family member’s wedding day, so people are still arriving, mingling, and attempting to put their dislike of Aunt Muriel aside just before the ceremony begins.

Nevertheless, when I was conversing with a few individuals who were positioned across from the open church doors, I abruptly noticed THEM.

Nine small ankle biters enter the room; none of them are older than ten. The woman is young. They are all yelling and whining incoherently.

She settles down next to me, her kids crammed into almost a whole pew before grinning pitifully. I was about to get up and move, but the ceremony had just begun, so I took my usual seat.

During the ceremony the kids were being as loud and annoying as they could be. They wept, shouted, soiled their trousers and clawed at their mother’s breast, who was still nursing her 4- and 3-year-old children.

They began making as much noise as they could as they crawled across the church rows, across the laps of a few very irate wedding guests, and played tag.

Their mother simply sat there, grinning broadly with amusement. She never once attempted to correct the tiny pagan children.

She never once expressed regret for her kids’ actions. She smiled and sat there as if nothing at all had happened. Although I acknowledge that children will always be children, you should nonetheless remind them that their actions are wrong.

What the children did at the reception will be enumerated. They dipped their hands into the chocolate fountain and used a tablecloth to clean their hands afterwards. They peed in their trousers on the dance floor and used the lavatory floor as a toilet.

A few of them puked all over the place, and one child removed his pants, tossed them under a table and then ran around the reception in his pants. This child was at least seven years old. Aside from that, the children irritated senior citizens by fiddling with the lights and speakers.

At last, my cousin had the audacity to ask them to leave. The mother became very upset, began to cry, and referred to my cousin as a bad lady.

Then, because she was so wonderful, she picked up her kids, diaper bag and purse and promised to purchase them McDonald’s dinners. Every time you bring it up, my cousin breaks down in tears.

20. insane mother-in-law

My wedding was wrecked by my mother-in-law. She was aware of my seafood allergy. Tiny fish bits were surreptitiously placed by her to my salad. As I was driven away from the altar in an ambulance, I caught her laughing. I made the decision to avenge her in a manner she would never forget.

After a span of three days, my enraged spouse stormed into my room with an outburst, demanding to know how he could possibly file a lawsuit against my mother.”She knew that she was endangering my health,” I firmly said. That’s criminal in addition to being cruel.” My husband’s rage gave way to shock.