John Sims moved to Tucson, Arizona, hoping for a peaceful life. Little did he know that his new home held an incredible secret. The previous owner had mentioned a rumor about something buried on the property, and John couldn’t resist investigating. What he discovered was beyond his wildest imagination and would capture the attention of the entire state of Arizona.

A House with a Dark Past

When John Sims learned that a friend was selling a house in midtown Tucson, Arizona, he jumped at the opportunity. However, his friend subsequently shared a rumor about the property: there was something mysterious buried somewhere in it. While his friend hadn’t been able to solve the mystery, John was determined to uncover the truth. And little did he know, his backyard held an astonishing secret.

Curiosity Takes Hold

As John settled into his new house, he couldn’t stop thinking about the rumor. His curiosity grew, and he was determined to unearth any secrets hidden on his property. Armed with a shovel, he began to dig in his backyard, covering the area meticulously. Yet, after digging several holes, he found nothing. It seemed like the secret, if it existed, must be buried deeper.

A Surprising Discovery

John was not one to give up easily. He researched municipal records and discovered that a company called Whitaker Pools had built a structure on his property in 1961. Armed with this knowledge, John hired consultants equipped with metal detectors to help him pinpoint the exact location. After marking two spots with X’s, John was ready to dig deeper.

Unveiling the Hidden Hatch

With the consultants gone, John eagerly continued digging, and to his excitement, he hit something solid with his shovel. As he carefully dug around it, he realized he had uncovered the entrance to a hatch. Taking precautions due to potential mold or toxic gas, he allowed fresh air into the structure before venturing further.

Safety First

Realizing the potential dangers of exploring the unknown alone, John took the responsible approach. As a captain of the Rural/Metro Fire Department, he knew the importance of having someone nearby in case of an accident. He called in friends to form a team and ensure their safety during the excavation.

A Plan Takes Shape

Once the team assembled, they devised a plan of action. Their first priority was to reinforce the concrete structure surrounding the hatch, making it safe for exploration. They worked tirelessly, adding layers of concrete and securing the rebar. The Arizona heat posed a challenge, but they persevered.

Unveiling the Past

Finally, their hard work paid off. John carefully descended the ladder into the hidden space, bypassing the rusty staircase. As he reached the bottom, he marveled at the mostly intact structure. To his astonishment, he had discovered a nuclear bomb shelter dating back to the Cold War era.

A Remnant of History

The bomb shelter in John’s backyard was a relic of a volatile time in history. During the Cold War, Tucson had its fair share of missile silos and bomb shelters, ensuring the safety of its residents in the event of a nuclear war. Nowadays, most of these shelters have been sealed or destroyed, but a few survive as reminders of a bygone era.

Sharing the Discovery

When John shared his discovery on Reddit, the story quickly went viral. Media outlets from local newspapers to international publications picked up on the fascinating find. John’s story ignited curiosity among Tucson residents, prompting them to wonder if their own yards held similar secrets.

Preserving History

The newfound attention allowed John to connect with other Tucson residents who also discovered bomb shelters on their properties. They exchanged ideas and advice about cleaning, renovation, and repurposing. While many chose to turn their shelters into wine cellars or man caves, John had a different vision—he wanted to create a Cold War museum.

A Cold War Museum

John immersed himself in research, collecting Cold War memorabilia such as Geiger counters, water supply barrels, HAM radios, and sanitation kits. With a deep understanding of the historical context, he hoped to educate visitors about this crucial period in history. His bomb shelter would serve as a time capsule, preserving a piece of Tucson’s past.

Looking to the Future

Now that the bomb shelter has been discovered and plans are in motion, John is excited about the future. He encourages other Tucson residents to check their property records for possible bomb shelters and advises caution in exploring unknown spaces. The safety of individuals should always be a top priority.