Have you ever captured a photo that left you with a bone-chilling feeling? Laura Watson, a 39-year-old mother, had a paranormal encounter during a family outing at Plessey Woods Country Park in Northumberland. She took a picture of her son, only to discover a ghost-like child lurking behind him when she reviewed the photo later.

Despite her skepticism, Watson couldn’t explain the eerie figure. She denies anyone standing behind her son during the photo and dismisses claims of digital alteration. This unsettling encounter has left Watson with sleepless nights, wondering about the identity of this mysterious presence.

Speculation has arisen, suggesting that the figure could be the spirit of a boy who drowned in the woods years ago. Unaware of the woods’ haunting history, Watson hopes that the presence isn’t lingering around her family. However, despite the unsettling experience, she remains open to returning to the woods in the future, determined to move past this chilling incident.

Curious to learn more about this spine-tingling encounter? Watch the video below and join us in unraveling the mystery behind the ghostly figure captured in this remarkable photo.

So, can you solve the mystery?