Birthdays and celebrations are supposed to be joyous occasions that bring families together. Unfortunately, they can also become sources of stress and tension, especially when there are strained relationships within the family. Today, we have a story from Sandra, a Bright Side reader, who reached out to us for advice after a difficult situation involving her husband and daughter.

Sandra discovered that her husband had asked their daughter to skip his birthday party because his own daughter from a previous relationship was planning to attend. Naturally, Sandra was hurt and upset by this revelation. She turned to us for guidance on how to handle the situation. We appreciate Sandra’s trust in us and want to offer her some tips that we believe will be helpful.

The first step is to open a calm and empathetic dialogue with Sandra’s husband, Adam. It’s important for her to approach the conversation in a non-accusatory manner. Using “I” statements can help express her feelings without sounding confrontational. For example, Sandra could say, “I overheard your conversation with Katie, and I felt hurt and upset because…”