Little Johnny was a resourceful and clever young boy. He always had a knack for finding creative ways to make money. One day, his class was asked to participate in a fundraising activity. Each student had to come up with a unique idea to sell something and raise money. Little Johnny knew he had to think outside the box.

When it was Little Johnny’s turn to share his sales pitch, he confidently walked to the front of the classroom and placed a box filled with cash on the teacher’s desk. The teacher couldn’t believe her eyes.

“I made $2,467,” Little Johnny proudly declared. The whole class erupted in surprise and excitement.

The teacher couldn’t help but be curious. “What in the world were you selling, Little Johnny?” she asked, her voice filled with astonishment.

“Toothbrushes,” replied Little Johnny without skipping a beat.

The teacher and the class were taken aback. “Toothbrushes?” echoed the teacher. “How on earth did you manage to sell enough toothbrushes to make that much money?”

Little Johnny smiled mischievously and shared his secret. “I found the busiest corner in town and set up a Dip and Chip stand. As people passed by, I offered them a free sample of a dip. They all made a disgusted face and said, ‘Hey, this tastes like dog crap!’”

The class burst into laughter at Little Johnny’s audacity, and the teacher couldn’t help but chuckle. She motioned for him to continue.

Little Johnny continued with his tale, “Then, I would say, ‘It is dog crap. Wanna buy a toothbrush?’”

The class erupted in laughter once more, and the teacher couldn’t help but be impressed by Little Johnny’s ingenuity. He had used a clever marketing strategy by offering something free and then capitalizing on the dissatisfaction it caused.

“I guess I used the government’s approach of giving you something crappy for free and then making you pay to get the taste out of your mouth,” Little Johnny concluded with a grin.

The classroom was filled with applause and laughter as the students appreciated Little Johnny’s cleverness and wit. It was a lesson in entrepreneurship and thinking outside the box that they would never forget.

Little Johnny had proven once again that age was just a number, and sometimes the most unconventional ideas could lead to remarkable success.