Losing a parent is a deeply traumatic experience, no matter how old you are. The pain and grief can be overwhelming, and it takes time to heal. One Reddit user shared a heartbreaking story about losing their mother and the events that followed.

Three years ago, their mother passed away. Just six months later, their father remarried. While it was understandable that he wanted to move on, the timing seemed too soon for both the user and their younger sister, who was only 16 at the time.

The new woman moved into their family home, which belonged to their late mother. But things started to take a turn for the worse when she removed all the photos of their mom and placed them in their sister’s room. This was especially hard for the 16-year-old, who was still grieving the loss of her mother.

In an attempt to find some joy and distraction, the sister planned a party for her 16th birthday. Their father and step-mom were away on vacation, so she thought it would be the perfect opportunity to celebrate. However, they returned home early and were not happy to find a house full of teenagers.

The step-mom became furious and demanded that the guests leave. She started yelling, claiming that the house was not a party place and that the sister shouldn’t have thrown a party there, despite her father’s knowledge and approval. In the midst of the argument, the step-mom kicked the 16-year-old out and sent her to live with their aunt, not realizing that the house belonged to the older sibling.

When the older sibling learned what had happened, they were furious. They couldn’t understand why their father didn’t protect their younger sister and allow his wife to kick her out while she was still grieving. In a moment of anger, the older sibling made a tough decision. They told their father and step-mom to leave the house within a week.

To their surprise, the father called them a spoiled brat and threatened to challenge their mother’s will. However, the older sibling believed that their father should have stood up for their younger sister and not let their wife treat her the way she did. Redditors supported the decision, assuring the older sibling that they were not in the wrong.

Losing a parent is difficult enough, but to also be treated poorly by a step-parent is unjust. It’s important to stand up for loved ones and protect those who are vulnerable. Family should offer support and love, not add to the pain.