Shadows of the Past: The Hidden Camera Revelation in Our Home

My Wife’s Ex Came Back into Her & Kids’ Life, So I Installed a Hidden Camera in Our House

While at work, a man’s phone notified him that someone had put a camera in his living room. He was startled to see what was going on in his home behind his back when he tapped on it.

The 52-year-old man lost his first wife ten years ago and is now married for the second time. His new bride was warmly welcomed by his daughters, who looked up to her as an elder sister. However, from her first marriage, his wife also produced two boys. The man treated the boys like his own and got along well with them. But when he saw the film from the concealed camera, everything changed.

After reading whataboutthekids’ in-depth post in the “Relationship Advice” topic on May 5, 2019, several Redditors were taken aback. The man gave some background information to the readers before diving right into the main narrative. He remembered running across his second wife, who was 38 years old, at different parts of the city. Although they never spoke, they frequently exchanged glances.

When he was standing in the waiting area one day after bringing his car to the servicing center, the man noticed her entering. They had a lengthy conversation and even went out to coffee together that day. After asking her if she would be interested in going out to lunch, which she said she would, they swapped phone numbers. He made the decision to wed her after two years of courting.

He was at work when, three days later, a notice appeared on his phone.

The man’s children welcomed their new stepmother, who was more akin to an older sister, when she and her sons came into his home. The fact that there was now an adult at home to watch for his girls while he was at work made the original poster happy as well.

Although the wife of OP frequently volunteered at the school lunch, she had intended to spend some time at home. Her sons were still in school, but her stepdaughters had graduated from college. OP chose to adopt his stepson because he was close to them and his wife’s ex had never contacted or paid child support.

After leaving them, his wife’s ex-husband never got in touch with her, she had informed him. However, her ex unexpectedly reappeared one day and insisted on seeing his kids. OP was unable to prevent him from coming to the house because he was their father by law. He did, however, restrict the visits to the weekends.

In order to adopt the boys, OP instructed his wife to beg her ex-husband to give up his rights during that period. She consented to discuss it with him. The next month, OP observed that things had begun to shift in the home. He saw odd things, like empty beer cans and missing munchies, but when he questioned his wife about it, she dismissed it.

A few days later, his stepson, who is 14 years old, asked him if he loved his mother. The young child said he thought they were in love as he watched them cuddle.

The youngster then enquired as to if his mother and father were still in love with the OP. He had no idea why OP had asked such a strange question, but he answered by saying that his mother might still think well of him. The youngster went on to say that he frequently seen his mother holding his father close. He revealed that upon his return from school, he used to find him at home.

When OP went to see his kids that weekend, he spoke with his wife’s ex. The former partner said that he was there mostly to be with his spouse. “He says [they are] technically not divorced [because] he never signed [the] papers, so she is his wife,” said OP.

Startled, OP questioned him about if his wife had brought up child support at all. He disclosed that he had given her a sum of $15,000 and that she had never requested that he cede his rights. OP was intrigued by this.

He placed a little covert camera in his living room facing the front entrance because he wanted to see what was going on between them. He was at work when, three days later, a notice appeared on his phone. The live camera footage of his wife opening the main door for her ex caught his attention.

When OP noticed them getting close, the man sat on the couch and OP’s wife walked out before coming back later dressed differently. He assumed she was heading out for lunch at school.

The next thing he saw was unreal. He witnessed the man grabbing his spouse and pleading with her to assist him. He saw them cuddle up once more, but this time it was more intense.

A few minutes later, the woman left, and her ex slept on the couch. A few hours later, OP noticed that his wife and her ex were on their way to the bedroom when he received another notification.

He made the snap decision to return home and apprehend them. He stormed into the bedroom since they were unaware that he had entered the house. When he caught them, his wife’s ex left the house.

His wife clarified that it was an isolated incident in the meanwhile. She expressed regret, but OP wasn’t prepared to hear it. She was completely taken aback and stunned when he showed her the video footage from the camera.

OP then instructed her to get ready to depart his place by packing her bags. In addition, he asked her father to phone and come get her and the kids. His father-in-law refused to accept that his daughter was unfaithful since he didn’t like him.

In order to send the video to his father-in-law, OP cropped it to the scene in which his wife was having sex with her ex. “If I was mistaken, I told him to watch and give me a call back. Never received a response,” he said.

How Do Redditors Feel?

Because he was concerned about his relationship with his stepsons, OP shared his tale on Reddit. He posed questions to other Redditors about how they handled similar circumstances and kept their relationship with their stepchildren intact.

Redditor superherostitch proposed allowing the kids to voice their thoughts during the divorce process. “Sounds like the kids are bonded too, so don’t lose hope that you’ll still be a big part of their lives,” the user commented.

Redditor mobiak said, “I feel like your wife was hiding him for longer than you think.” The user advised the original poster to avoid giving his wife any child support money since she might use it to help her ex rather than the children.

And whether his wife was still pleading with him for forgiveness, the Redditor inquired of OP. OP retorted that he was preoccupied with his daughter’s graduation ceremony and didn’t talk to her after that day. He intended to contact his lawyer and then have a conversation with her.

When they read OP’s story, most Redditors were startled and felt sorry for him. In the hopes that it might assist the man in making a decision, they offered their counsel.