The Haunting of Grandma’s Sofa: Unveiling the Mystery Within

‘There’s Something Inside!’ Boy Shouts after Sitting on Old Sofa Late Granny Left Him

Kevin discovers, concealed under his grandmother’s worn-out sofa, a box that has letters and legal documents. The little child is forced to make a decision that would alter his entire life when the contents disclose a terrible reality about his family.

Whispering, “I’m going to miss Granny,” Kevin touched Granny’s sofa, feeling the dark stain beneath his fingertips. Once, he’d spilt juice on the antique furniture, but Granny had been more worried about getting him another drink than about the mess he’d made.

“Why mourn for an old trout who left you this junk?” Dad gave Kevin a sharp look, shook his head, and booted the couch.

This couch isn’t worthless. It’s Grandma’s recollection,” Kevin murmured.

Dad’s lips twisted up in contempt. “Have you forgotten she ratted me out to Social Services and how she tried to hand you over to that other family?”

“It’s not too horrible, and they let me to stay here for a couple of days because it was Granny’s funeral. I hope I didn’t have to return.”I wish to cohabitate with you,” Kevin scowled.

“Cheer up, kiddo!” Dad ruffled Kevin’s hair and gave a little laugh. “We’ll figure it out!”

Kevin grinned and moved to give Dad a hug, but by then, Dad had turned away. Dad took a drink out of the refrigerator and settled into his armchair to watch TV in full volume.

Even though Kevin knew his father wasn’t as loving as his mother, it still hurt. Everything Kevin had experienced, including losing Mom six months ago and now Granny, was too much to handle.

Sitting on Granny’s sofa, Kevin let out a sigh. He felt something suddenly, a sharp edge stabbing him in the back. He gasped when he poked his hand into the seat.

He yelled, “There’s something inside!” but Dad was too preoccupied with whatever he was viewing to pay attention.

Kevin looked away from Dad and lifted the cushion on the sofa, discovering a ripped flap of cloth that was only half put into place. He quickly went to the kitchen for some scissor blades and snipped the stitches.

Inside was a box bearing the words “For Kevin” printed in bold letters.

Kevin grinned, realizing it was Granny’s handwriting. He discovered folded papers of legal paperwork inside the box along with a sealed envelope. Then he noticed an old letter from Granny.

“Dearest Kevin,” the voice said. I’m sorry for putting pressure on you when you were so young, honey, but you need to make the right decision for your future. Your father came back to claim his inheritance solely.

Kevin finished reading and gave Dad, who was still glued to the TV, a quick glance.

A couple months prior to now…

“Linda? Why are you in this place?” Jerry opened the door to his apartment and requested in a rough voice.

“To see Kevin, I’m here. “Where is he?” She questioned, attempting not to gag on the lingering stench of alcohol on his breath.

“Well, I dunno. Which day is this, exactly?”

“Tuesday!” Horrified, she went into the flat and saw the dirty clothes, empty glass bottles all over the floor, and plastic container.

“Have you been feeding him this?” she inquired, observing Jerry take out a microwave-cooked meal.

“The classic mac and cheese. dairy and carbs. Good for developing and all that,” he dismissed.

“What about the toys Kevin has? Nowhere can I see them.”

“Well, you know, youngsters these days.They seem more interested in technology items, you know.”

“Don’t you dare lie to me!” Linda lost it. “Jerry, I’ve been giving you money to make sure my grandson doesn’t miss anything. He needs your microwaved crap, not fruits and veggies or processed meat! And because you’re too lazy to take him to the soccer club I pay for, I bet he’s no longer going there.”

Jerry rolled his eyes. “Well, Linda, just because you’re lending a hand doesn’t mean you get to dictate to me what to do! I am capable of raising my son.”


Kevin ran to Linda as she turned to give him a hug. She exclaimed, “Oh boy, you’re home late!”

Kevin turned to his father and said, “Dad, you said you’d pick me up yesterday, but you never came.”

“I intended for tomorrow. Hurry now and finish your schoolwork.”

As Kevin walked out, Linda’s fury knew no limits. She met his gaze and said, “Jerry, I know what’s going on here.” “Either pull yourself together or prepare to take the fallout. She told him as she was leaving, “I won’t stand by and watch you fall apart or let you drag my grandson down with you.”

A few weeks went by. Linda spotted Nurse Denise as she was seated in the main foyer of her assisted living facility and urged her to come.

As she walked up, the woman said, “You need help, Linda?”

“Darling, I need a big favor,” Denise remarked as she took a seat next to Linda.

“I went to Social Services to have the parental rights of my son-in-law revoked. He has been ignoring Denise, my grandson. All that matters to him is the money he will receive from me and the state. I am aware that you have long desired adoption. Put your hand on Denise’s and adopt my grandson, Linda asked.

Denise finally got Linda to pull herself up enough to say something. “Oh Linda, I’m so sorry. I’m not sure.Denise screamed, “I’m so honored and nervous, but I’d be delighted to welcome Kevin into the family, and I know my husband will feel the same way.”

“My sweetheart, bless you. Then, I’ll speak with my attorney,” Linda sobbed. “Well, you relieved me of a significant burden. I’m grateful. I’m grateful.

Denise wiped away her tears and said, “You don’t realize that you’ve given me the best gift ever: a child to adore. It should be me giving you my gratitude.”

“All right, Kevin, this is your room! Are you fond of it?

Linda tried to measure Kevin’s reaction as he gazed around the room that Denise and her husband, Miguel, had prepared for him.

“It’s okay,” the young child shrugged.

“Well, we can always change the decor if you don’t like it,” Miguel answered, looking at his wife with concern.

“Let Kevin have some time to live in the room before making big decisions,” Linda replied. Subsequently, she faced Kevin. Whispering, “I know it’s strange, dear, but give them a chance,” she said.

Kevin took a quick spin and bolted out the front door. When Linda attempted to speak with him, he remained silent.

Making her bed that night, Linda was troubled beyond measure by Kevin’s reaction. However, she felt in her heart that Miguel and Denise would be much better parents than Jerry.

Linda was abruptly brought back to reality when her phone rang.

“Is everything OK, Denise?” As Linda took the call, she enquired.

“No, Linda,” Denise let out over the phone. Kevin isn’t here, but I went to see how he was doing and to see if he needed a cookie. I looked all over! I believe he has fled.”

“Good Lord,” let out Linda’s cry. “My sweetheart, I believe I know where he’s gone. Remain calm. I’ll return him to you.

Linda and Mrs. Jamerson, Kevin’s caseworker, showed up at Jerry’s door. Kevin was in the flat, just as Linda had suspected.

“Does it bug you to see all your clever plans come to nothing?” Mrs. Jamerson pulled Kevin aside so she could talk to the boy as Jerry grinned and leaned on the kitchen counter. “No matter what you do, Linda, Kevin will keep running back home to his dad, where he belongs!”

Linda looked into Jerry’s eyes, expecting to see the feelings of a grieving husband and parent, but all she saw was avarice. Jerry’s need for money became evident to her as she observed his branded clothing, the large new TV, and, if she narrowed her eyes, a brand-new gaming system beneath the TV. He was never really concerned about Kevin.

Linda groaned and took the checkbook out of her purse. “I think I know how to convince you to do the right thing, Jerry,” she said. “$50,000, and you leave Kevin alone.”

Jerry sneered. “Come on, Linda, you can do better. Try $300,000 and see what happens.”

“But I don’t have that kind of money!”

“Guess you don’t value your grandson as much as you pretend to,” he said. He sank into his couch and said, “I’ll see you next time he comes home running.”

Kevin came out of the bedroom and Mrs. Jameson followed him. Jerry gave him a shoulder pat without even taking his eyes off the TV as he said him farewell with tears in his eyes.

The letter went on, “…so I had to do this, honey, to uncover your father’s true character.” This box contains legal documents that grant Jerry complete ownership of my money—as long as he stays away from you. Jerry, however, is unaware that the documents are false.

“Transfer them to him. You’ll know he values you more if he destroys them, but if he takes them to court, you’ll know you have a secure, caring home with Denise and Miguel.”

Kevin scooped up the legal documents and put Granny’s letter back in the box. His pulse raced with fear as he glanced across at Dad, who was sitting there watching TV. Though concerns bit the back of his mind, he didn’t want to think Dad would abandon him.

“Hey, Dad!” Kevin stepped across the room and presented the court documents. “These were in Granny’s sofa, I discovered. They belong to you.

Dad withdrew the papers from Kevin’s hand with a grumpy expression. The man read the agreement and began to smile.

“Kevin, I’m leaving.” Kevin’s concerns came true as Dad jumped out of his chair and walked to the door. He briefly considered the possibility that Dad’s departure was merely a coincidence following his perusal of those documents.

Kevin trailed him for a few blocks till Dad went inside a quite posh-looking building. It was the office of a lawyer.

Kevin returned to the flat, wiping away his tears with an angry expression. That’s right, Granny, Dad loved money more than he did.

Kevin rang the ring at Denise and Miguel’s front door an hour later.

“Kevin?” Opening the door, Denise scowled with concern. “Is everything alright? We didn’t think you would return for an additional two days.”

Kevin gave a sniff. “Dad isn’t theI simply…”

Denise said, bending over, “Hey,” resting her hands on his shoulder. It’s alright. I am aware that you have been through a difficult period.”

Kevin looked up at Denise and grinned tearfully. This was the most love he had felt since Mom passed away. He thanked Granny in his heart for enlisting the help of such kind people to take care of him.