Have you ever felt betrayed by someone close to you? Imagine coming home one day to find that something valuable has mysteriously disappeared from your own bedroom. This is exactly what happened to one man, who decided to get to the bottom of things by checking the hidden cameras he had installed in his home.

“I Kicked My Brother’s Family Out of My Home after Checking Hidden Cameras in My Bedroom”

The man’s nephew, only nine years old, had a habit of stealing items. Even his parents knew about it, but they never did anything to stop him. They would just apologize to the store owners whenever he would take something. So, to protect his engagement ring from being stolen, the man decided to hide it in a place he thought was safe. Little did he know that his plan would backfire and the ring would vanish.

A Redditor shared this incredible story on the “AITA” subreddit. The man had installed a spy camera in his room to keep an eye on his nephew. Despite knowing about his son’s stealing habit, the man’s brother and sister-in-law did nothing to address it. They always assumed he simply forgot to return the items he took.

One day, the school administration contacted the man’s brother, informing him about his son’s stealing problem. Despite feeling ashamed, the brother still didn’t take any action to teach his son right from wrong. The original poster (OP) believed that his brother should have had a serious conversation with his son to instill moral values. However, OP didn’t interfere or say anything until his engagement ring went missing.

According to OP, his brother had recently moved in with his family after losing his job and falling on hard times. OP didn’t mind having them live with him temporarily until they could find a new place. However, everything changed when he discovered the empty ring box in his room. He had just bought a beautiful engagement ring for his girlfriend with the $4,000 he had saved up. Knowing his nephew’s tendencies, he hid the ring under his drawer, taking extra precautions. To ensure its safety, he even installed a cheap spy camera facing the drawer.

When he noticed the ring box was empty one day, he immediately checked the video recording on his laptop. And there it was – his nephew going through his drawers, just as he had expected. But this time, it was his precious engagement ring that had been taken. Angry and upset, he confronted his brother about the camera footage and demanded the ring back.

His brother and sister-in-law scolded their son and asked him to return the ring. The boy claimed to have left it in the guest room, but it wasn’t there. OP knew that the child was lying because he had done the same thing with one of OP’s watches before. The next day, his brother admitted that the ring was lost. OP felt regret, but he demanded that his brother either find the ring or reimburse him $4,000 so he could buy a new one. If not, he threatened to kick them out of the house within a week.

Unfortunately, his brother was unable to pay him back as he was still unemployed. After a week, OP had no choice but to move into a motel. His brother begged him to let them come back, but OP stood his ground. He shared his story on Reddit, asking if he was being heartless for evicting his own family. The majority of Redditors assured him that he did the right thing.

Eventually, the man found his ring in the guest room bathroom sink. He had read suggestions from Reddit users to look in places his nephew would hide things. So, he checked the sink and there it was, his priceless ring. He proposed to his girlfriend that same evening, and she said “yes” while admiring the ring.

He informed his brother about finding the ring, but it didn’t change his decision. He also spoke with his nephew, asking why he didn’t tell anyone where he had hidden the ring. The child explained that he was scared they would be mad at him for hiding it under the sink. Though disappointed, OP decided to let his brother handle the matter and not dwell on it.

In the end, Redditors agreed that OP was in the right and that his brother needed to take action regarding his son’s stealing habit before it’s too late.