As a mother, it can be difficult to watch our children make choices that hurt others, especially when it affects our grandchildren. This is exactly what happened with my son, Mike. He went from being a loving husband and father to a cheater and absent parent. And when my grandson Tommy was born with Down syndrome, Mike’s behavior took a turn for the worse.

I loved Jane, Mike’s then-girlfriend, from the moment I met her. She was the girl next door, and I thought she was a perfect match for Mike. But everything changed when Tommy came into the world. Instead of embracing the beautiful gift of their child, Mike started cheating on Jane and eventually filed for divorce, leaving her to care for Tommy alone. I couldn’t believe my son could be so heartless.

I begged Mike to come back or at least offer some support to Jane and Tommy, but he refused every time. It broke my heart to see my daughter-in-law and grandson struggling without him. I knew deep down that a child deserves to have both parents in their life, as long as they are willing to be responsible and involved.

Then, I received shocking news. My nephew Liam informed me that Mike was getting married again. I was astonished. I barely knew anything about Mike’s life now, but I couldn’t believe he had found someone else to marry. I felt a deep concern for Jane and Tommy. When did my son turn into this person?

On the day of the wedding, I made a bold decision. As I walked up the church aisle, holding Tommy on my hip, I couldn’t ignore the shock on Mike’s face as he heard my voice. I addressed him directly, introducing him to “his first ‘I did’ and the family he abandoned.” I wanted his new fiancée to know the truth before she made a lifelong commitment to him.

Afterwards, the ceremony took a break, and most of the guests stayed behind, entertained by the spectacle I had created. I took the opportunity to spill everything about Mike’s past – the rushed marriage, Tommy’s birth, the cheating, and the divorce without any financial support. I felt it was my duty to warn her about the man she was about to marry.

I held Tommy close to me, as a symbol of the love and responsibility Mike had turned his back on. I made it clear that while he may be my blood, Jane had become more like a daughter to me than Mike was a son. I left the room, leaving everyone stunned and Mike’s fiancée reevaluating her choice.

The aftermath of my actions was chaotic. Mike’s fiancée burst into tears and threw her bouquet at him before leaving the ceremony with her family following close behind. Mike was left embarrassed, furious, and bewildered, while the guests remained rooted in their seats, waiting for Jane to appear.

Now, you may question whether I went too far in ruining my son’s wedding. It was a drastic measure, and I understand that. But my intention was to teach Mike a valuable lesson. It’s not too late for him to make amends for his actions and be there for Tommy. I am open to him returning to our family as a responsible and involved father, or at the very least, taking financial responsibility for his child.

So, am I wrong for what I did? That’s for others to decide. But I hope that through my actions, Mike realizes the importance of being a good father and rectifies the wrongs he has done. As a mother, I will do whatever it takes to protect my family and ensure a better future for my grandson.

Now, while you think about what you would do in my place, here’s another story for you: As Jane prepares to marry Anthony, she receives anonymous messages warning her about going through with the wedding. Curiosity leads her on a wild goose chase to a nearby hotel, where she uncovers the reason behind these warnings.