Beach vacations are one of life’s greatest pleasures, offering a chance to relax, soak up the sun, and enjoy the gentle rhythm of ocean waves. However, it is crucial to prioritize water safety, especially for our audience of older individuals aged between 45-65 years old.

While most people are aware of the risks posed by rip currents and shifting tides, there is another danger that often goes unnoticed: square waves. Also known as “cross seas,” these waves form when two different wave systems intersect, creating a checkerboard-like pattern on the water’s surface.

According to the European Space Agency, square waves occur when a wind sea and a swell, or two swell systems, coexist. Although relatively uncommon, they tend to appear closer to the coast, with the Île de Ré along France’s western coast being a notable observation site. Despite their rarity, square waves can pose significant risks.

For swimmers and boaters alike, square waves present unique challenges. With wave heights reaching up to 10 feet and disruptions in wind patterns, it is strongly advised against swimming or boating in these conditions. It’s better to be safe on the shore than sorry in the sea, as the saying goes.

Recognizing the signs of square waves is essential. Swimmers may feel as though they are swimming against two different currents, with the waves forming a grid-like pattern. If you notice these signs, it is best to stay close to the shore initially and retreat if large waves start to appear.

For those piloting vessels away from the shore, it is crucial to be aware of the particular dangers posed by square waves. Staying in shallower areas for navigation purposes provides a safer option.

Remember, when it comes to water safety, knowledge is power. By understanding the risks associated with square waves and being able to recognize their signs, you can better protect yourself and those you care about. So, whether you’re planning a beach vacation or simply enjoy spending time by the ocean, keep this essential knowledge in mind. Stay safe and enjoy the natural wonders of the sea!