Have you ever noticed those charming little indentations on the lower back, often called the “dimples of Venus”? Well, these beautiful features are formally known as fossae lumbales lateralis. Positioned just above the joint between the pelvis and the spine, near the buttocks, they are named after the Roman goddess of beauty herself.

These alluring indentations are created by a ligament that connects the iliac spine to the skin. They are considered a fascinating physical trait, reminiscent of the goddess Venus herself. Although more commonly found in women, men can also have these indentations, which are playfully referred to as “Apollo’s dimples.”

Unlike other body features that can be developed through exercise, there is no specific workout program to strengthen or enhance these dimples. This is because the area lacks muscles. However, losing weight and engaging in body sculpting exercises can bring more attention to these distinctive indentations.

Regardless of gender, these dimples are commonly seen as symbols of beauty and sensuality, often inspiring envy and admiration. They add an extra touch of elegance to one’s appearance, making them truly special.

So, if you’ve got these delightful “dimples of Venus” or “Apollo’s dimples,” embrace them and take pride in your unique beauty.