A 30-year-old woman found herself in a confusing and frustrating situation during Thanksgiving with her boyfriend’s family. She couldn’t understand why her boyfriend was so angry at her. Seeking guidance, she turned to Reddit to see if she was at fault.

Her boyfriend had broken up with his high school sweetheart just a year before they started dating. Although he had moved on, his family still held onto the past. His mother, in particular, was heartbroken over the breakup and couldn’t let go of the fact that her son’s ex-girlfriend had been a part of their family for so long.

The woman entered the relationship knowing that it would take time for his family to accept her. She hoped that his mother would eventually warm up to her. Unfortunately, things didn’t go as she had hoped. The mother continued to call her by the ex-girlfriend’s name for the first year of their relationship, even after her boyfriend had asked her to be nice. When she finally stopped using the wrong name, she still couldn’t get her actual name right.

At Thanksgiving, things took a turn for the worse. During a conversation in the kitchen, the woman’s boyfriend’s sister mentioned how he had praised his girlfriend’s cooking to his brother-in-law. In a sarcastic tone, their mother suggested that the woman should cook the turkey for Thanksgiving, but once again used the wrong name. The woman saw an opportunity to make a point and responded with enthusiasm, saying it was a great idea.

When Thanksgiving arrived, the woman and her boyfriend showed up at his mother’s house without the turkey. She had assumed that Janet, the name his mother had used during the previous discussion, was responsible for bringing it. This misunderstanding led to a chaotic situation, with yelling, crying, and ultimately, the couple getting kicked out.

Since that night, her boyfriend hasn’t spoken to her, leaving her unsure about the future of their relationship. Seeking advice, she shared her story on Reddit. Many people commended her for standing up for herself, noting that her actions were understandable given the constant misnaming and lack of respect from her boyfriend’s mother.

Some suggested that she should have confronted the older woman earlier, but most agreed that her drastic action was the only way to make her see the impact of her behavior.

In the end, the woman found support from others who empathized with her frustration and believed that she had done the right thing.