Imagine being a 45-year-old woman who found the courage to finally divorce her cheating husband, only to lose custody of your daughter. This is the heartbreaking reality that one woman faced. Despite facing infidelity in her marriage, she was convinced by her family to stay, hoping things would get better. However, her daughter, Kelly, saw her as a bad person and decided to cut all contact with her.

Years went by, and the woman tried desperately to reach out to her daughter, but she faced resistance every time. It seemed like Kelly had made up her mind and was unwilling to give her mother a chance. However, life has a way of bringing unexpected twists.

It wasn’t until Kelly found herself in need of money for college that she decided to reconnect with her mom. Struggling with financial troubles, her father had depleted her college funds. It was a difficult situation for Kelly, and she saw no other option but to turn to her mother for help.

Of course, the woman’s heart went out to her daughter in this time of need. She agreed to support Kelly’s graduate school education, but there was a condition. Kelly had to sign a contract relinquishing her status as the woman’s heir in her will.

You see, the woman had developed a close bond with her goddaughter, Laura. She wanted to leave her assets to Laura, someone she deeply cared about. This decision sparked a debate among Reddit users. Some felt that the woman was right in choosing to leave her assets to Laura, as her daughter had only sought contact when she needed money.

It’s a difficult situation to be in – torn between the love for your child and the desire to leave your assets to someone you have a strong connection with. As a parent, it’s natural to want to support your child, but it’s also important to consider your own wishes and relationships.

This story highlights the complexity of family dynamics and the difficult choices that parents sometimes have to make. It serves as a reminder that relationships can change and evolve over time, and that it’s never too late for reconciliation.

In the end, it’s up to the woman to decide how she wants to distribute her assets. We can only hope that both Kelly and her mother can find peace and understanding, regardless of the outcome.