A shocking incident involving a military mom and her nanny has left the mom horrified and shaken. After checking her nanny cam, the mom discovered disturbing footage of her babysitter breastfeeding her youngest son.

The story unfolded when the mom and her husband, both deployed in the military, realized they needed assistance in taking care of their newborn. They hired a nanny who unfortunately turned out to be unreliable. After quitting suddenly, the couple found themselves in a rush to find a replacement. Thankfully, their neighbor’s 20-year-old daughter volunteered to help them out.

At first, everything seemed fine. The kids loved their new nanny, and the mom was filled with gratitude for her kind gestures. However, she failed to notice some red flags.

One day, the mom confided in her nanny about her difficulty with lactating and how she relied on donor milk for her baby. Moved by the mom’s confession, the nanny sympathized and pressed for more details. The mom, without thinking twice, shared more information. This would later prove to be a mistake.

The mom had set up nanny cameras in the living room and their bedroom to monitor her children. While she fully trusted her nanny and never felt the need to check the cameras before, one rough day, she decided to see what her little ones were up to. What she saw on the camera left her feeling sick. Her nanny was sitting on her bed, attempting to breastfeed her son.

The mom confronted the nanny, who apologized and claimed she did it to help with the mom’s lactation issues. However, the mom didn’t buy it. She decided to review older footage and discovered unsettling details.

Upon further investigation, the mom found that the nanny would unplug the camera in the bedroom whenever she put the baby to sleep, and then plug it back in later. This raised even more concerns. The next day, the mom demanded an explanation from the nanny, revealing more distressing information.

The nanny claimed she was uncomfortable with the camera pointing at her while she put the baby to sleep. The mom found this baseless since the camera didn’t detect motion or follow any target. Suspicions grew as the mom realized someone had previously angled the camera towards the baby, ruling out the possibility of her 5-year-old doing it.

Further review of the recordings revealed more alarming behavior. The nanny left her own daughter in an enclosed pantry and her toddler unattended in the backyard. It was too much for the mom to handle.

Concerned that theft may have occurred, the mom checked her room for missing items. She discovered that a few of her toddler’s outfits and her daughter’s small blanket had disappeared. The nanny’s father later returned the items, except for the blanket, claiming he couldn’t find it.

In light of these horrifying revelations, the mom made the decision to let the nanny go. She planned to take a few weeks of leave to ensure her children were okay and find a suitable caregiver for them.

This incident has sparked an important discussion online. Many people, including nannies themselves, agree that it is inappropriate for a babysitter to breastfeed someone else’s child. Boundaries must be set and respected.

It is also important for parents to regularly check their nanny cameras. Random checks help ensure that boundaries are maintained and allow for early detection of any concerning behavior from the nanny.

In conclusion, this harrowing experience serves as a reminder for parents to be vigilant and prioritize the safety and well-being of their children.