Earwigs may be harmless, but they can still be quite bothersome when they make their way into your home or garden. If you’ve been noticing an increase in earwig activity, there’s a simple yet effective solution that can help you get rid of them.

The Olive Oil Hack

Facebook user Alicia Alexander shared a clever hack that helped her eliminate a bunch of earwigs from her backyard. All she did was fill a shallow bowl with about half a cup of olive oil and place it outside in her garden or on her deck. The results were astounding.

Within less than 24 hours, the bowl was filled with earwigs attracted to the olive oil. And after 36 hours, the number of trapped earwigs had increased even more. It seems like the earwigs are irresistibly drawn to the olive oil, but once they climb into the bowl, they can’t escape.

Addressing Underlying Issues

While this olive oil hack is a great way to quickly deal with the earwig problem, it’s important to address any underlying issues that may be attracting them. In many cases, the presence of earwigs can indicate problems with rotting wood.

Earwigs, like many other pests, are drawn to decaying wood. So it’s a good idea to check the structure of your home and the condition of any wooden decks, porches, or other outdoor features. By addressing these issues, you can prevent future infestations and keep your home and outdoor spaces earwig-free.

So, if you’re tired of having earwigs lurking around your home or garden, give this simple yet mighty hack a try. By using olive oil as a trap, you can significantly reduce the number of earwigs and enjoy a pest-free environment.