A surprising incident occurred at Aldi when Neville Linton, 63-year-old shopper, found a baby ladder snake in his bag of broccoli from the Stourbridge store in West Midlands. The snake, native to southwestern Europe, was sent to Dudley Zoo for identification. Linton, who has a fear of snakes, expressed dissatisfaction with Aldi’s compensation due to potential danger to his disabled son and mother-in-law. Aldi is currently investigating the incident and assuring their customers of their strong preventive measures. It’s worth mentioning that ladder snakes emit a foul odor when agitated.

A Shocking Encounter

Imagine the surprise and fear when a baby ladder snake was discovered hidden within a bag of broccoli. Neville Linton, a 63-year-old shopper and grandfather, experienced this unexpected encounter while preparing his dinner. He had purchased the bag of broccoli from Aldi’s Stourbridge store in West Midlands about a month ago and stored it in his refrigerator.

Just as Neville was about to unwrap the plastic cover of his kitchen table, he made a shocking discovery near the stem of the broccoli. It was a harmless ladder snake, peacefully nestled among the vegetables. However, for Neville, who works as an industrial cleaner and is terrified of snakes, this situation was nothing short of frightening.

Swift Action and Unveiling the Species

Alt Text: snake inside broccoli | Source: Donovan Linton (SWNS)

Neville’s family quickly intervened to capture the snake and ensure everyone’s safety. The baby ladder snake was then sent to Dudley Zoo, located nearby, where experts confirmed its identity. Originating from southwestern Europe, ladder snakes are non-venomous but possess the ability to inflict a painful bite upon humans.

Neville Linton expressed his concern about the incident and the potential danger it posed to his household. He said, “It was pretty scary. I have a strong aversion to snakes. If I had left the broccoli in the kitchen, it could have ended up anywhere in the house. Considering that we have two vulnerable individuals living here, it would have been a significant risk for us.”

Alt Text: Mr Linton with his son Donovan | Source: Donovan Linton (SWNS)

Seeking Adequate Compensation

When Neville realized the object on his cabbage wasn’t an insect but rather a snake, he called his sister, Ann-Marie Tenkanemin, to confirm his suspicion. She assured him that it was indeed a snake. The two of them then safely transported the snake back to the Aldi store on Dudley Road, where Neville had originally purchased the broccoli.

Neville recalls his initial reaction, saying, “At first, I thought she was joking, but when I saw it start to move, I quickly backed away.” The Aldi employee who assisted them was understandably startled as well.

Upon arrival at Dudley Zoo, a specialist examined the snake and confirmed to Donovan, Neville’s son, that it was a juvenile ladder snake. Despite the compensation provided by Aldi, Neville feels it is insufficient. Given that he lives with his disabled son and frail mother-in-law, he believes the amount does not truly account for the risk they were exposed to.

Expressing his dissatisfaction, Neville stated, “It’s simply not good enough. If that snake had managed to escape inside our home, we would have been in great danger. Additionally, my fear of snakes magnifies the emotional impact of this incident.”

Aldi Responds and Ensures Preventive Measures

An Aldi representative responded to the incident, stating, “Our supplier has never encountered a complaint of this nature before and has strong processes in place to prevent such occurrences. We deeply regret that our usual high standards were not met in this one-time incident. We are thoroughly investigating the matter to prevent it from happening again.”

Ladder snakes are primarily found in Spain, Portugal, southern France, and certain regions of Italy. When they feel threatened, these snakes can emit a foul odor and become agitated.

Alt Text: a snake | Source: Gerard Lacz (Shutterstock)

Rest assured, Aldi is committed to ensuring the safety and quality of their products. It is their priority to maintain customer satisfaction and prevent any unexpected surprises in the future.