Changing a baby’s diaper in public can be a real challenge for parents, especially when restroom facilities aren’t equipped for the task. But there’s a fine line between being resourceful and prioritizing basic human decency.

Recently, a Reddit user shared their experience at a restaurant that left everyone questioning the bounds of acceptable behavior. The 24-year-old writer and their girlfriend were dining at a casual restaurant, not particularly fancy but definitely not an Applebee’s. And that’s when they witnessed something that made them cringe: a couple changing their baby’s diaper right at the table.

To make matters worse, the couple left the soiled diaper sitting on the end of the table, right next to the Redditor’s table. It was not only unsanitary but also left an unpleasant odor lingering in the air. Unable to ignore the situation, the writer decided to politely request that the couple dispose of the diaper.

Unfortunately, their attempt to address the issue turned into a fruitless conversation. The man at the other table responded with hostility, telling the Redditor to mind their own business. While the Redditor’s girlfriend didn’t think he was wrong for speaking up, he started to ponder if he should have just let it go.

So, what would you have done in this situation? Would you have said something or stayed silent? Share your thoughts in the Facebook comments.