Turning Tables: A Jilted Wife’s Revenge on a Cheating Stepfather

“Cheater Gets Stepchild into Trouble, Jilted Wife Turns the Tables on Him”

Herman causes his stepson severe suffering in order to cover up his affair. The boy’s mother, his abandoned wife, discovers the truth and coolly administers punishment.

The room was filled with the gentle tunes of Billie Holiday, her seductive voice enveloping the entwined figures on the white sofa. Herman, a thirty-something male, and his mistress Jezebel sneaked minutes together in the dark living room.

“This is so naughty of us!” Jezebel mumbled something. “What if your wife comes home early?”

“It has been at least a year since my wife arrived home early! We’ve got the entire morning,” Herman urged.

“The whole morning!” Jezebel rang back. “Well, Mr. Loverman, it’s best that we make the most of it in that situation. Give me a real kiss.”

“Just wait, that’s not all I’m going to do,” Herman answered, chucking his sweatshirt aside.

They were lost in the present, but it was cut short by a creaking door. The two were overcome with panic; Herman’s wife wasn’t expected back for several hours.

“Who is it?” Jezebel mumbled something.

“There’s no way it’s my wife,” Herman begged. “She informed me that she had late work. Hurry up and grab—”

Herman turned toward the music as the front door slammed behind him.

A youthful voice eased the tenseness. “Herman? Are you present?” Jake, the son of Herman, walked in with his rucksack slung over his shoulders.

“What are you doing home, Jake?” Herman questioned sharply.

Jake said, “They made us go home early because of a scare.” “They believed that there was a gunman inside the school. Who is this woman, Herman?” As he asked, Jake glanced at Jezebel.

Herman denied that Jezebel was there. “Jake, you must be seeing things.”

“But Jake, I see a lady right there,” he said.

Herman made up a story about how shocked Jake was by the school scare.

“Close your eyes, then give me ten counts. The ghost cannot see you if you are invisible to it. And you see, if you do that action, it will vanish.”

Obediently counting, Jake watched as Jezebel vanished inside the bedroom. The woman was gone when he opened his eyes.

“I made her disappear?” Jake cried out.

“You’ve vanquished the spirit. Herman said, “You’re a brave young man.”

Herman gave Jake unrestricted screen time after persuading him to keep the encounter a secret.

Jezebel returned to the room after Jake had gone, expressing her disapproval of Herman’s behavior. “What was that? You told your son a lie?”

It was “Stepson,” Herman clarified. “What were your expectations? Tell him about us, please. Recognize our relationship? I’ll go to any lengths to maintain our relationship.”

Jezebel let out a sigh. Alright, neat,” she replied.

Herman remarked, “That was close, though.” “We’ll get back to what we were doing another time!”

“Yeah,” she replied as she bid him farewell. “See you later, Loverman,” she enticingly said.

Grace, Herman’s wife, came home after dusk. As they sat down to dinner, tension surrounded the table. Jake used the chance to tell others about his strange day.

“Mom,” he said, “we left school early today because they thought there was someone with a gun inside.”

“What…what happened?” Grace gulped.

“The alarm was a hoax. I presume it all went well, Jake? Herman said something in response.

Jake affirmed, “I’m okay.” “But when I came home, I saw a ghost.”

“A ghost?” With anxiety, Grace enquired.

“It’s just his imagination,” Herman cut in, trying not to show how scared he was. “Post-traumatic stress from the school scare.”

Grace ignored Herman and concentrated on Jake. “What did the ghost look like?”

Jake clarified, “She was a lady with big, frizzy hair.”

“She?” Grace looked at Herman and repeated.

With trepidation, Herman laughed. “He has to be shocked. Watch some cartoons,” he said to Jake.

Herman leaned in to try to appease Grace after Jake left. There was still tension.

“I’ll call the school and get Jake an appointment with the psychologist,” Grace replied. “Now that you’re not working, you can take him to the appointment.”

Herman was very close to shouting, “I’m trying to find a job!”

“I am aware. But..maybe help more with Jake and spend less time at that Moe’s Diner you go there a much,” Grace said sternly.

Herman promised to assist her with her son without saying anything more.

Grace made the decision to talk to Jake after supper. “Speak with the school counselor. Honey, I think it could help you grasp what’s happening on.”

Jake answered, “Okay, Mom,” with sweetness, and bid Herman and Grace good night.

Herman felt remorse as he realized his covert rendezvous with Jezebel was coming undone. It was getting more complicated than he had anticipated, but he still planned to manage the affair.

Grace and Herman sat in the living room and Grace’s eyes met. “It’s best that we’re bringing him to the physician. The safety of my son is in jeopardy.”

Herman continued to insist that it wasn’t necessary during their argument, but Grace’s tenacity won out. “I’ll schedule Jake a visit with the psychologist! And I’ll be the one to take him there.”

Jake felt nervous in Dr. Warren’s kid-friendly office. He sat down and his little fists clutched the chair.

Dr Warren gave him a cordial welcome. “Let’s talk about what happened, Jake.”

Recalling Herman’s ghost trick and the terrifying event that brought him here, Jake hesitated. “Herman said if I close my eyes, the ghost would disappear.”

Dr Warren looked over at Grace. “What trick did Herman demonstrate for you? What specters?”

Jake added, “Herman said when I close my eyes, the ghost can’t see me, so it goes away.” Grace had previously detailed Herman’s role in their life as her second husband.

Dr. Warren spoke softly to Jake. “Dangerous things won’t disappear just because you close your eyes. It’s critical to speak with a trustworthy person.”

Jake nodded and said he was afraid the ghost would split up his family. “I noticed a woman. I fear that woman will force Herman to break up with Mom.”

Dr. Warren gave Grace a look. “I’m going to suggest routine visits to help Jake better comprehend these emotions. Turning to face the youngster, he continued, “Jake, would you kindly pardon us? In a moment, your mother will be gone. I would like to schedule a meeting for when you next see her.”

With a nod, Jake departed the room.

“Jake’s father cheated on me, so I divorced him. Grace revealed to Dr. Warren that he had an affair.

The man gave a nod. “I think what’s happening with Jake is a classic case of Kleinian Projective Identification,” he stated.

“Is this situation serious? How…how can we help?” Grace enquired, worried about her young son.

“You’re not worried,” Dr. Warren comforted her. It’s merely a child psychology notion derived from Melanie Klein’s research. Projective identification is when a young child projects their emotions onto another person or the outside environment, frequently with the goal of making the projector feel what the other person is feeling. This can lead to delusional conduct, such as Jake’s. We are capable of handling this.”

Grace remarked, “I just want what’s best for Jake,” with concern. “If you think you can help him, then we’ll do whatever it takes.”

“I want to collaborate with Jake,” Dr. Warren went on. “He may require medicine and counseling. I am here to help the two of you.”

Over dinner, Grace informed Herman of Dr. Warren’s diagnosis. “What did he call it?” Herman enquired.

“Something about projecting fears onto the external world,” Grace replied.

“Is it a real issue?” Herman asked.

“Yes, in Dr. Warren’s opinion. Grace answered, “Jake might need medication.”

Herman put his head down and focused on his meal. “Is something wrong?” Grace enquired.

Herman answered, “Uh, no, no, nothing wrong,” in an unconvincing manner. “Just thinking.”

“Tomorrow, I’m taking the afternoon off and going to lunch with Jake. I think spending some time with him will be beneficial. Perhaps he will talk about what’s bothering him.”

“All right,” a trembling Herman nodded.

Grace and Jake discussed the food at Moe’s Diner. Jake abruptly closed his eyes and said he could see the ghost in their living room.

“The specter? “Honey, are you sure?” Worried and anxious, Grace enquired.

Jake gestured to Jezebel, the blonde waitress. Grace walked over to her and asked whether she had had any strange occurrences at the restaurant. Jezebel, however, denied any spectral happenings.

Suspicious, Grace continued, “You know, sometimes kids pick up on stuff. Unusual events or weird feelings. Finding out if there’s anything strange about this place will soothe my mind. For the benefit of my son.”

Grace expressed her reservations, but Jezebel brushed them off, saying Jake was just a crazy person. Thanking her, Grace went back to the table.

However, the woman felt that Jezebel was not quite right. The pieces of the puzzle were fitting together, and she couldn’t get rid of the sensation that the truth was close at hand.

Jezebel dropped the meal, but Grace remained silent. Jake shut his eyes and started counting once more.

Grace reassured Jake, “It’s okay now, she’s gone.” Opening his eyes, Jake concentrated on his ice cream.

Grace thought of something. “Jake, should we call Herman and ask him to join us for lunch?”

Jake gave an indifferent nod.

Grace grinned, feeling content. However, my phone is dead. I’m going to ask the server if I may use hers.

Grace walked up to Jezebel and said, “My phone’s almost dead. Could I borrow yours to give my workplace a short call?”

Reluctantly, Jezebel handed her phone. “No issue. Proceed with ease,” she uttered.

When Grace called Herman’s number, she received the worst shock of her life when Jezebel’s phone’s caller ID showed “Loverman.” Grace abruptly hung up and went back to the table, shocked. But the truth was now known.

She gave Jake a meek grin and urged him to eat his meal quickly.

Grace made Jake a playdate and went back home. She took a seat on the couch, grabbed her phone, and called Dr. Warren.

“This is Grace. I need your advice and assistance.”

As Grace narrated the incidents, she disclosed her intention to take Herman’s possessions. Dr. Warren agreed with her choice.

The moving crew quickly showed up and began packing Herman’s belongings.

Herman was surprised when he got there. “Grace, what is happening? Puzzled, he inquired, “What are these men doing with our things?”

With a sarcastic smirk on her lips, Grace mimicked the act Herman had once pulled on with their son.

“What men, Herman? No men that I can see. Ghosts must be appearing to you. Oh, and just to be clear, those are your possessions, not ours.”

Herman went white. It was now the other way around.

With trembling, he said, “Grace, you have to trust me.” I had no intention of any of this occurring. I—”

With a stern and unwavering voice, Grace interrupted him. “Herman, you cannot make any justifications. Lies and infidelity have had their day. Do you realize now what you mean to me? An apparition!”

Herman’s regret filled his eyes, but Grace remained resolute. She clarified that the transfer of all his personal belongings to a storage facility signified the end of their joint existence.

In addition, Dr. Warren and I have discussed filing criminal charges for emotional abuse. The police are going to arrive soon.”

Two officers soon showed up, shining badges. Justice was done when they awoke Herman to his rights and hauled him away.

Feeling vindicated, Grace faced the door, closed her eyes, and counted backwards from ten to make Herman’s spirit vanish.

She opened her eyes to find Jake running to give her a hug.

Grace hugged him tightly. Though the path ahead was unknown, they were united and would bravely and lovingly confront any trials that were ahead.