
Throughout life, we often come across situations where we find creative ways to get what we want without breaking the rules. In this article, we’ll explore some of the clever loopholes that people have discovered to save money, get freebies, or outsmart the system. From college hacks to fast food promotions, these stories will surely bring a smile to your face. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ingenuity of these individuals!

The Salad Bar Trick

Redditor u/hear2fear shared an interesting loophole they discovered during their college days. The deli sandwiches at the campus café were overpriced, but the salad bar had similar ingredients. By purchasing bread slices for $0.25 each, loading up on salad ingredients, and using free condiment packets, they were able to create their own sandwiches for under $2. This clever hack allowed them to enjoy a satisfying meal without breaking the bank.

Unlimited Soda

Redditor u/some_body_else reminisced about a Dr. Pepper promotion in the 90s, where you could win free drinks from bottle caps. They discovered that the writing inside the caps could be easily deciphered. By purchasing one Dr. Pepper and continuously “winning” more with the same method, they enjoyed an unlimited supply of soda during their teenage years. It was a dream come true for any soda lover!

The Radio Contest Advantage

Redditor u/mahck discovered a clever trick to win prizes from a local radio station’s contest. By utilizing the “now playing” and “up next” feature on the station’s website, their then-girlfriend started calling in even before the second song was played. This allowed them to consistently win prizes ranging from concert tickets to a laptop. It just goes to show that timing is everything!

Glitchy Ride

A deleted user stumbled upon a glitch in the Lyft app during its early days. They discovered that by signing up a friend, they could receive free rides up to a certain amount. However, due to an unexpected glitch, their account had the free ride feature for an entire year. As long as the fare didn’t exceed the specified amount, they enjoyed convenient and cost-effective transportation.

Maximizing Work Hours

Redditor u/Mitch_from_Boston uncovered an interesting quirk in their employer’s pay policy. The company deducted “break hours” from employee wages, regardless of whether they took a break or not. They realized that by working 39 hours instead of the usual 40, the deduction would only occur once they reached the 40-hour threshold. This allowed them to maximize their paychecks and make the most of their working hours.

Burger Surprises

Redditor u/Pterons shared a promotional loophole they discovered at Wendy’s. Several years ago, a survey on the receipt entitled customers to a free burger. However, they quickly realized that the survey could be taken on the free burger receipt itself, allowing them to chain multiple free burgers after buying just one. It was a delicious hack until the restaurant caught on and put an end to it.

Thinking Outside the Rules

OP u/iknowvapetricks shared their experience with a baby photo contest at their high school. While the contest had specific rules about the photos that could be submitted, none of them specified that the baby had to be them. Seizing the opportunity, they submitted a baby picture found on Google and surprisingly won the “Best Dressed Baby” award. This sneaky move shows that loopholes can come in unexpected forms.

Savvy Nugget Purchase

Redditor u/Gerreth_Gobulcoque discovered a fascinating price anomaly at Burger King. They realized that two five-piece chicken nuggets cost less than a single eight-piece nugget box. With this knowledge, they indulged in the extra nuggets while enjoying the price advantage. It’s a delicious example of how unit prices can sometimes work in our favor.

School Rewards Poker

Redditor u/Modusobit shared a story about their school’s reward system called “Swag Bucks,” where good grades and behavior earned points. These points could be exchanged for various prizes. However, the concept took a different turn when students started playing poker using fake money. One misbehaving student managed to accumulate enough “bucks” for a Wii and some DVDs. The discovery led to the banning of the currency, reminding us that rules can be bent but not broken.

College Curriculum Shortcut

Redditor u/joeschmoe86 discovered a brilliant shortcut during their college years. They enrolled in a course labeled as a “survey” class, which allowed the professor to fine-tune the curriculum before its official offering. Essentially, it meant attending an easy course, receiving credit, and going home happy. The following semester, a nearly identical course went “live” with a different number. They signed up, skipped the classes, only took the final exam, and obtained credit once again. It goes to show that sometimes, finding the easiest path leads to unexpected rewards.

Prom Suspension Sneak

Redditor u/meinherzbrennt42 found an intriguing loophole in their high school’s prom attendance rules. According to the school policy, attending a Saturday detention during the semester resulted in being banned from prom. Realizing this, they intentionally skipped the detention, which then escalated to an out-of-school suspension instead. As there was no rule against attending prom with an out-of-school suspension, they were able to enjoy the memorable event with their girlfriend. It just goes to show that rules can sometimes backfire!

Transit Fare Glitch

A deleted user in Toronto discovered a flaw in the Presto swipe card for public transportation. Their card was faulty, often failing to scan properly. However, the transit operators sympathized with their situation and let them pass through the gates despite the card’s malfunction. By picking up a transfer, they had proof of payment, allowing them to save money on fares. Although they eventually replaced the card, they managed to enjoy significant savings during those two months.

Drink Machine Jackpot

Redditor u/mstibbs13 became the lucky beneficiary of a drink machine glitch during their college days. By inserting a dollar bill into the machine, they received five quarters in change instead of the expected four. This unexpected bonus allowed them to enjoy discounted juice every day for several months until the machine was finally fixed.

Pizza Card Advantage

Redditor u/nifty_swift discovered a remarkable pizza promotion near their location. The promotion involved a buy-one-get-one card that could be collected from their mailbox. To their surprise, the delivery drivers never collected the cards, which meant that the free pizza offer was repeatedly available for over two years. With the card conveniently pinned to their fridge, they made the most of the opportunity to enjoy numerous pizzas without paying for them.

Generous Refund Policy

Redditor u/ztweedz took advantage of an incredibly generous refund policy at Costco. When their flat-screen television broke due to a lightning strike, they returned it for a full refund even though the damage wasn’t covered under the warranty. With the advancements in technology, they were able to purchase a similar replacement television at a much lower price, pocketing the difference.

Camera Purchase Maneuver

Redditor u/vinnySTAX shared a clever maneuver they employed during a Black Friday sale at Best Buy. The deal involved purchasing a Sony digital camera for $500 and receiving a free $200 lens and $50 case. By purchasing two camera bundles and later returning only the cameras for a full refund, they were able to sell the cases and lenses on eBay, essentially profiting from the promotion.

App Glitch Bonanza

Redditor u/refurbishedsandwich stumbled upon a glitch in the McDonald’s app that allowed them to order 40 nuggets for just one dollar. Due to an oversight, the app didn’t include the necessary zero in the price calculation. They and their friends took advantage of this bug, ordering an excessive amount of nuggets while distracting the cashier, ensuring that they could indulge in a nugget feast without any additional cost.

Paper Plane Champion

In a physical science class, a Redditor named u/waytogokip won a paper plane competition using an unconventional method. While everyone put serious effort into folding and designing their planes, u/waytogokip slept through most of the class. When it was their turn, they crumpled their paper into a ball and threw it down the hall. To everyone’s surprise, their paper ball traveled twice as far as any of the other carefully crafted planes, earning them the championship title.

Movie Magic

Redditor u/YounomsayinMawfk and their friends devised a clever plan to save money on movie tickets. While only two of them would purchase tickets, they would alternate going in and out of the theater, using ticket stubs to deceive the staff. By rotating their positions and acting discreetly, they managed to enjoy movies together without having to pay for everyone’s ticket. However, we must remember that honesty is always the best policy!

Language Credit Shortcut

Redditor u/mgswong found a convenient shortcut to fulfill their foreign language credit requirement in college. They enrolled in a 400-level French film course taught entirely in English. Although it technically counted as taking an upper-level French course, it was conducted in their native language, allowing them to earn three years’ worth of foreign language credits effortlessly.

Pizza Promo Exploitation

Redditor u/TheDrunkenOkie discovered an interesting glitch in a Papa John’s Super Bowl promo. They received a buy-one-get-one free pizza coupon in their mailbox, with a note stating that the delivery driver would collect the ticket upon arrival. However, the delivery person never asked for the ticket, allowing u/TheDrunkenOkie to use it repeatedly for two whole years. It’s the kind of loophole that makes you keep a pizza coupon pinned to your fridge just in case!

Travel Savings Tactic

Redditor u/spacerock_rider found a travel loophole to save money at the airport. By taking advantage of the shuttle bus service from LAX to a nearby parking garage or hotel, they avoided the higher fares associated with rides directly from the airport. After reaching the parking garage or hotel, they called an Uber or Lyft to complete their journey, significantly reducing their transportation costs. It’s a smart way to save without compromising on convenience.

Birthday Feast Route

Redditor u/zephyrcoco created a spreadsheet of restaurants offering freebies on people’s birthdays in their town. They even mapped out the shortest route to visit all the establishments. From popular chains like Chick-fil-A to Starbucks, many places offer birthday rewards, usually requiring online signup beforehand. It’s an efficient way to make the most of a special day and enjoy complimentary treats along the way.

Microsoft Store Coupon Trick

Redditor u/Beanholio discovered an unlimited-use coupon glitch at the Microsoft store. The coupon allowed a $10 discount without any minimum spending requirement. They took full advantage of this opportunity and managed to buy 20,000 Xbox Live points for only $40 before the website was taken down. It’s a prime example of being in the right place at the right time!

Party Scholarships

Redditor u/chevdecker cleverly won multiple scholarships at their high school. They applied and obtained both the “Young Democrats” and “Young Republicans” scholarships, which were handed out during an assembly in alphabetical order. The resulting laughter and good-natured response created a memorable moment as they received two scholarships back-to-back. It’s a testament to their ability to navigate various political affiliations with finesse!

Shrewd Gift Card Strategy

Redditor u/butabi7293 shared a savvy strategy to maximize loyalty card rewards at a grocery store. By using their loyalty card to purchase gift cards for various stores, they earned significant points that could be redeemed for discounts at the pump. It’s a clever way to save on gasoline costs while making the most of loyalty programs.

Secret Phone Calls

Redditor u/PinstripeZebra found a clever way to bypass their high school’s phone call system for skipped classes. The school provided personal information sheets at the beginning of each year, allowing students to update their contact details. By changing their home phone number to their cell phone number, they received late calls for unattended classes on their cell, unbeknownst to their parents. It’s a sneaky way to avoid a potential lecture!

Burger Swap Surprise

A deleted Reddit user shared a story about their husband’s intriguing fast food maneuver. The husband discovered an interesting loophole at a burger joint where the “buy one, get one free” offer didn’t have size restrictions. This meant that the most expensive burger could be paired with the smallest one, leading to the smaller burger being exchanged for a more expensive drink. The husband thought he had beaten the system until the manager caught on, resulting in an unexpected fallout. Let’s just say it was a lesson learned the hard way!


These clever loopholes and creative hacks showcase the ingenuity of individuals when faced with various situations. Whether it’s saving money, getting freebies, or finding ways to navigate the system, these stories highlight the power of thinking outside the box. While some exploits may have been short-lived, they serve as a reminder that sometimes rules are meant to be stretched. However, it’s essential to remember that honesty, integrity, and respecting the spirit of the rules should always guide our actions.