The Fight of Little Sophie’s Life

Sophie, a happy and healthy two-year-old, suddenly fell ill on May 18, 2017. Her parents, Shelby and Jonathan, initially believed it was just allergies. But as her breathing became increasingly difficult, her doctor suspected something more serious – asthma. However, the reality turned out to be much worse.

Just a few days before her scheduled allergy test, Sophie stopped breathing one night. In a panic, her parents called an ambulance and rushed her to the hospital. It was there that doctors made the devastating discovery – a large tumor the size of a softball in Sophie’s chest. She had developed T-cell lymphoma, a form of cancer. A once carefree toddler was now thrust into a battle for her life.

Aggressive chemotherapy treatments failed to halt the spread of Sophie’s cancer, leaving her unable to walk, talk, use her hands, or eat. Her parents stood by her side, spending countless hours in the hospital. Shelby, Sophie’s mom, attentively watched over her daughter. She noticed a nurse who seemed to intentionally blend into the background, but Shelby was observant.

Nurse with a young girl

The Unseen Guardian

One day, as the nurse’s back was turned, Shelby discreetly snapped a photo. She shared it on a Facebook page dedicated to documenting Sophie’s fight against cancer. In her heartfelt post, Shelby unveiled everything she had witnessed during her daughter’s care.

“I see you,” Shelby wrote, speaking directly to the nurse. “You try so hard to be unnoticed, but I see you. When Sophie cries, I see your face drop a little. You go to great lengths to ease her fears and win her trust. You say ‘No owies’ and ‘I’m sorry’ more times in a day than most people say ‘thank you’.”

Shelby’s words painted a vivid image of the nurse’s commitment and dedication. She noticed the multitude of rubber bracelets on the nurse’s arms and stethoscope, each one representing a child the nurse had cared for and loved. Shelby witnessed the nurse gently stroking Sophie’s bald head and tucking her covers tightly. She saw the nurse consoling a distraught mother receiving bad news, and even charting on the computer while holding a baby whose mother couldn’t be present at the hospital.

“You put aside your own life for twelve straight hours to care for sick children who are fighting for their lives,” Shelby expressed. “You enter each room with a smile, regardless of what each room holds. You come to check on us, even when Sophie isn’t your assigned patient. You tirelessly call doctors, blood banks, and pharmacies to ensure my child receives the timely care she needs. You check on me just as often as you check on Sophie. You sit and listen to me ramble, despite the buzzing of your phone and your never-ending to-do list.”

Shelby’s message touched not only the nurse she wrote about but also countless other parents who had experienced similar situations. It highlighted the essential role that nurses play in the pediatric unit, serving as the backbone of the hospital.

A Tribute to Unsung Heroes

These nurses face unimaginable challenges daily. They witness the most difficult moments of a parent’s life over and over, yet they continue to provide unwavering support. Unfortunately, Sophie never had the opportunity to express her gratitude to the nurses who fought to keep her alive. Her frail body didn’t withstand the aggressive treatment and the relentless cancer. She relapsed on December 22, 2017, and her family made the difficult decision to withdraw treatment. Sophie’s time had come.

Reflecting on her experience, Shelby shared, “My goal throughout this entire process has been to be transparent and honest, shedding light on what really happens during a battle against cancer. I haven’t sugarcoated the bad days, but I’ve also highlighted the incredible work the Lord has done throughout. I hope to continue doing that as we move forward without her.”

Cancer is a devastating disease, and its impact on children is especially heart-wrenching. Sophie’s story reminds us to cherish every day and to love as if there is no tomorrow. It also serves as a tribute to the amazing nurses and hospital staff who deserve recognition.

These compassionate individuals serve as healers, helpers, playmates, storytellers, counselors, and comforters. They touch countless lives, caring not only for their young patients but also looking after their families. Day after day, they face battles that most of us pray to avoid. Let us share Shelby’s heartfelt words about the nurses and hospital staff, so that more people can learn about the incredible work they do.