It’s always a shock when someone you trust has the power to hurt you. In my case, it was my husband, Curtis. We had been together for 12 years, with twin girls who were the light of our lives. But one day, I stumbled upon a strange note in his planner that changed everything.

Curtis had always been into birdwatching, or so I thought. He would spend hours out in nature, observing birds of prey. I suggested going to a falconry show together, but he brushed off the idea, saying it was too dangerous for me. I didn’t think much of it until I found that note in his planner.

The note read, “34-28-34. Black and red. A 10…” I was confused. Was this some kind of secret code among birdwatchers? I searched online but found nothing related to birds. However, I did find something else related to those numbers – measurements. It hit me like a ton of bricks.

Determined to find out the truth, I decided to follow Curtis into the woods during one of his birdwatching trips. I was nervous and scared of the dangerous wildlife, but I pushed through. And then, I saw something I never expected.

There he was, not with a bird, but with another woman. They were kissing, and my heart sank. I recognized her from a picture on his Facebook, she was his coworker. It felt like I was living a nightmare. I went home, trying to process what I had seen.

A few days later, I checked his planner again and found another entry. This time, it read, “36-24-36. Blonde. An 8…” The truth hit me like a tidal wave – my husband wasn’t just cheating, he was actively seeking out other women.

I made the difficult decision to divorce him. I called a lawyer and started the process, all while keeping a brave face for the sake of my girls. It was a painful time, but I knew I had to put myself and my happiness first.

One day, as he arranged yet another meeting with a different woman, I had everything in place. I followed him, gathered the evidence I needed, and confronted him. I let out all the anger and betrayal I had been holding inside. And then, I handed him the divorce papers.

In the end, everything worked out for me. I got custody of our girls, most of our money, and the house we had built together. It was a harsh and painful journey, but I’m grateful that I discovered his betrayal before it went any further.

If I had to do it all over again, I would still choose to stand up for myself and leave. It’s not easy to walk away from someone you love, but sometimes it’s necessary to protect yourself and find true happiness.

Have you ever been in a similar situation? How did you handle it? Share your story in the comments below.